Secrets and Shadows - Great Mothers
The leader ability says at the start of encounter and end of each doomed enemies...GM takes bonus turn and dooms someone. This is working properly.
However, it then says at start of encounter and end of each blessed allies...GM takes bonus turn and blesses someone. This is not working properly.
Most notable is round 8. GM goes first and dooms someone. Then nihilus goes before she blesses anyone. This shouldn't happen. I three starred the tier 3 after multiple attempts due to RNG making nihilus insta kill my zombie. But I shouldn't have had to do multiple attempts because I should have been able to bless Morgan so that if he chose her (which he did two attempts before my successful run)...then the insta kill would have failed.
Hi @Backinblack81180, and thank you for the report.
This can happen when two characters have the same speed and priority (speed is a complicated thing tbh). Usually the character with the bonus turn always goes first but this can collide with another characters turn if that character has the same speed priority.