Same for us. I tried to cut a ticket, but it would not submit. Our guild is Rancor Raiderzz and so far it has happened to four guild members. Here is our ticket attempt:
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone and Andriod (two different people)
OS Version 11
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 778-978-525
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
Summarize your bug While setting up defense for the upcoming Territory War, our guild members, KevPB, Zugobog, and Kram Krut experienced an odd occurrence. They placed two fleets in the rear top space, Main Base Fortification. You should receive 20 banners for setting defense. When you go to that area's administrative panel, you can clearly see that KevPB, Zugobog and Kram Krut were only given 10 banners for setting defense on both occasions. If you scroll up you can see the banners were awarded at the correct 20 amount. This also occurred in the middle rear squad area, Command Post Fortification where DarthSolo was awarded only 10 banners for setting a defensive squad. This also occurred in the rear bottom squad area, Special Ops Center Fortification where KevPB was awarded 20 banners for setting a defensive squad, and then immediately below that, he was only awarded 10 banners for setting a defensive squad.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go into Territory Wars in our guild, Rancor Raiderzz and look at the defense setup awards for the Main Base Fortification, Command Post Fortification, and also for Special Ops Center Fortification. You can clearly see our guild members were not awarded the 20 banners for the setting a defensive squad as your rules state. We will obviously need to be awarded some additional banners to make this fair before we get started, in total we are missing 60 banners.
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