LS Bundle missing from stores after payment failure
I attempted to purchase the Inquisitors Lightspeed Bundle a couple days ago, but the webstore timed out when returning from PayPal. After chatting with EA Help, they asked me to wait 24-48hrs for the order to completely fail, and the hope was that the item would show back up in my in-game or webstore so I could retry the purchase.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen by the 48hr mark. I reached back out to EA support, and we tried to troubleshoot things a bit, but none of it has worked. Checking the forums here, it seems that others have had similar issues.
Things that I've tried:
* Waiting "24-48 hours".
* Clicking the "Restore Purchases" button in-game then restarting the client, on two separate devices.
* Uninstalling and reinstalling the game on my device.
So, is there a way to have the Inquisitors Lightspeed Bundle reset by Capital Games, such that it will appear in either my webstore or the in-game store, such that I can retry my purchase?
Ally Code: 894-676-361