Forum Discussion

l7cr9qc960pc's avatar
Rising Novice
16 hours ago

Traya's Isolate doesn't Isolate Ninth Sister's Taunt

Just tried to put Isolate on Ninth Sister's in GAC match and it didn't remove her taunt until the Sister's next turn.

Not the first time this happened, and I don't see anything in her skills that says it can't be dispelled or resisted.

Anyone else have this issue?


  • its her patience unique:  "whenever this character loses taunt,gain taunt for one turn if an enemy has purge"

    so when traya did isolate, she removed the taunt but it came back, then isolate was applied and stopped it from returning the next turn. this mechanic also happens with thrawn's fracture.

    i don't know all the units but Bossk and Old Ben have a similar effect with their taunts