Relationship Panel GAMEPLAY BUG - The Sims 1 Legacy Collection
Hi there,
Here to report another Gameplay glitch with The Sims 1 Legacy Collection.
In the UI Sim panel, my sim should be able to see all Sims they have a relationship with, whether it's romantic, friends, or just acquaintances.
This re-release has a bug where it will only show me the top 5 friends a Sim has based on relationship points. This is a bug and not intended. This makes it GAME BREAKING as for your Sim to progress the career ladder, they will need to make friends and the UI panel will not show me all the sims relationships.
This needs to be fixed in a patch as it is game breaking for any Sim that wants to get a job.
See screenshots attached.
EDIT: I should mention I can see all my Sims personality interests and an arrow is showing in that part of the UI panel. This is SPECIFICALLY for the Relationship Panel that the "Scroll arrow" is missing.
Hi all,
This issue was resolved in today's patch:
- The Relationship panel would show only five relationships
If you're still experiencing this issue, please create a new thread so we can investigate into this further.
Thank you!