I updated my game to the latest patch but I'm still having the same problems. When my sim tried greeting some townies, he will glitch and if he has an attraction towards a Nina Caliente for example, an attraction error will come up. I tried clicking "reset" or "cancel" numerous times, but it still pops up. If I click "delete" my sim gets deleted. If my sim tries cooking a meal the sim will glitch and the meal disappears. Trying to use the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat to force an alien abduction, allows the sim to walk up to the telescope but resets the sim once he tries looking through. I have tried uninstalling the game from my EA app or even doing a repair on the game and nothing seems to be fixing the issues.
I'm not trying to be rude because I know the Sims team is working to get these issues fixed. However, players spent their money on purchasing this game in hopes they would be able to play. You guys have released 2 patches, and nothing seems to be working. If there isn't going to be a solution, reimbursements should be given.
Love the sims 2 and really hope there is a resolution to these bugs.