Forum Discussion
I know this thread is really old, but I thought an update might be helpful to some players. Now that I've got Legacy, rather than drag over my neighborhoods from UC, I decided to clean them up again instead (because I'm doing some things differently). I'm currently retrieving tombstones (most of the ancestor tombstones in the game are missing) and thought there might be others who want to know how to do that. And since I'm currently doing it, I won't miss a step.
Contrary to what my previous answer stated, you don't need all of those programs/mods. The tutorial I originally followed made it a lot more complicated then it actually needed to be. If you don't plan to really get into the weeds and fix memories and various other issues, you don't need SimPe. And you don't need the teleporter for this. What you do need is the ffs lot debugger, also known as the batbox.
Every neighborhood except Belladonna Cove: Turn on testing cheats by typing testingCheatsEnabled true into the cheat box. Shift + click on your Sim and choose Spawn, then Tombstone of L&D. Find the batbox in the buy catalogue under miscellaneous, then miscellaneous again, and place it next to the tombstone. Return to live mode.
Make sure your Sim is doing nothing, then pause. Click on the tombstone and select Add neighbor to family. Then scroll through the names to find the Sim you are looking for. (If you look up each neighborhood on the wiki, you will find a section on deceased Sims).
Very quickly, unpause the game and pause it again. The dead Sim will appear in front of the tombstone. As long as you paused immediately, you will be able to spawn a tombstone. If you didn't pause fast enough, a message saying the Sim has died will also have popped up, after which you can no longer spawn a tombstone.
Now, as the dead Sim, shift +click on the batbox and scroll up to items, then respawn tombstone. Unpause the game, a tombstone will appear, the message saying the Sim has died will appear, and the ghost will disappear. Now you can move the tombstone to whichever lot you've designated as your graveyard. When you have retrieved all the tombstones, turn testing cheats off by opening the cheat box, scrolling up, and changing true to false before hitting enter. Sell the tombstone of L&D and the batbox.
For Belladonna Cove you need Hoodchecker. The version of Hoodchecker I have is in the SimsPe folder, but it is a standalone program. After you open up Hoodchecker, press Start. Choose Belladonna Cove and Next. Choose Check. It will have a popup telling you that there are tombstones in the process of being moved (why EA??) and you need to pick a graveyard. The graveyard they intended to put them in is Gamesend Grounds. After you choose and it finishes that, choose Finish. It will check for errors and then display them. Choose Restart. Select Belladonna Cove again and Next again. Then instead of Check, choose Repair and Finish. It will deal with the errors it can and display anything that is left that it can't fix (you'd need to manually fix them in SimPe). Click Exit.
Your tombstones should all now be at the location(s) you sent them to and ready to place.
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