Testingcheats are not required for money cheats in The Sims 2.
If you want 50,000 simoleons, type in:
If you want 1,000 simoleons, type in:
If you have Nightlife or later expansion/stuff pack, you can use this cheat:
Replace with current household's name. Amount with +(plus) adds money and -(minus) removes money. If you put nothing in front of the amount, the funds will be changed to match the value.
But as said, this does require Nightlife or later expansion/stuff pack. If you are unsure, look outside your lot and in your options. If you can see other buildings and neighborhood decorations and have options to turn it on or off, then you have that cheat.
In The Sims 2, if you want to enable the most powerful cheat, type in this:
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
*As I gather, you didn't put the
boolprop part in front of the cheat.
I'd suggest reading on the internet what the cheat does (there's just so many options when shift-clicking on different things).
Just don't go adding Grim Reaper or other dangerous NPCs. If you get errors, don't worry. If you delete a sim by forcing an error and then save, exit, and come back, they'll be standing next to mailbox if they are in the household or still exist when they are not.
I hope I helped...