Forum Discussion

bekkasan's avatar
5 years ago

Mary Kendall, A Ghost Story

@CravenLestat gifted me a ghost sim with a sad story.

This is his story about how she became a ghost.

The Mary Kendall Story :(

Mary was a only child born to a poor family from the town of Riverview.She was never popular and never had friends and always treated as the outcast.But her family raised her well and even though quirky she was a child genius from an early age.As she grew up into a beautiful young woman she had always dreamed of becoming a doctor and making lots of money to repay her family's love.

Now 20 with a full medical scholorship she headed off to University to pursue her goal of becoming a surgeon.All throughout her first semester people laughed at her because she was clumsy and the ones that spoke to her found her awkward eventually she found herself alone in the world.Day after day the same routine of studying and sitting by herself eating lunch under a pine tree while wishing she was part of the popular crowd.

Three days before winter break a representative was to be chosen from the class to a full internship at the most prestigious hospital in the state.Mary excitedly went to class that afternoon knowing it was between herself and Kerry the most popular girl in her campus.After class the professor called her and Kerry in front of the class announced the name of the winner of the internship....


Mary Kendall

The room grew silent you could hear a pin drop and a confused Mary turned to shake the hand of her competition.Instead there was no hand to meet hers just a stare that could melt steel.She ran out the class to her dorm and slammed the door shut.What should be an exciting moment in her life had caused her to cry instead.

Friday rolled around one day before everyone headed out to break and as Mary was having her lunch under the tree she heard her name.As she looked up there stood the popular group led by Kerry who then said

"We are spending winter break at my parents ski lodge and as a way to celebrate your victory I was wondering if you didn't have plans if you wanted to come along"

A stunned Mary fumbled her words for a minute trying to contain herself as not to add embarrassment from over excitement."Yes I would love to she explained" wondering to herself if this was a dream or a joke.They told her to pack and be ready by morning and an exstatic Mary jumped up and darted towards her dorm and tripped on a tree root.Waiting to be laughed at she noticed not a single snicker was to be heard.Could this be real any other time they would have belittled and poked fun but maybe this time is real.For the first time in her life she felt alive and continued to her room to pack.

Early the next morning she watched as her new friends pulled up and happily tossed her luggage in the cargo space and sat in the back of the minivan.The girls all laughed and talked the entire trip and noticed the heavy snow now falling as they drove further up the secluded mountain.They arrived at the huge lodge belonging to Kerry's wealthy family it was unlike anything a poor girl like Mary had ever seen in her life.

After heading in everyone was given a room and they decided to rest until nightfall and have dinner later after a long trip.At dinner they talked about making smores in the fire and afterwards going and building a snowman together.Everyone headed outside the snow was deep but beautiful and they all started to roll the pieces for the snowman.As Mary began to place the round head she had made for the snowman she did not notice the other girls slip away and then ....

"Did you think you could just kill my dreams Mary!!! you think you are so great do you realize you ruined my life"

"Since you are so great I assume you can also find your way home"

"Nite nite..."

The last thing she saw was them rolling in laughter as she ran to the door and then it slammed in her face as the porchlight went out.She was scared because she had not worn a coat and it was only 11 degrees out.

"Please guys this isn't funny open the door" she said with tears beginning to freeze on her face.She walked around the huge castle like lodge trying every door and all the windows were covered by iron bars to prevent burglary during the offseason.Her body now like ice and uncontrollably shaking she headed back to use the minivan as shelter but was tired from the walking in deep snow and sat to rest for a moment by her still unfinished snowman.

This is your ghost @bekkasan <3

I want to give her a happier ending. I hope that I can.

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