Opening Post Biographies: (active characters) Greg Preston (Preston house) Greg was born in the year 2669. Greg was raised in the Mountain Village “Ent”. He was the son of a restaurant owner, ...
Franz Liszt : Chasse-neige (1851) The French title of this work has been translated as “snowstorm,” though It is widely accepted that a more accurate translation is “a wind whipping up snow that has already fallen”. Maybe we can actually hear that in the music, when we know that was the intension.
Jenny Richards Diary 13th of November 2724 AD. I went back to my old shelter to pick up the last possessions I had there, it was just a few books, some kitchenware and my old guitar.
The month have passed as I like it best, Jenny and I are very good friends by now, but we did not see each other too much this month. Plenty of time for me to enjoy my solitude. I just did some work outside the house to get rid of the leaves before winter time, and messed around with the typewriter without actually doing any serious writing.
After spending all my time near the River in Greg’s or my own house, for the first time I took some days to explore the area. Did not find anything useful to us, but it was a nice to get around a little bit although I generally do not like being outside too much.
The last two weeks at night time protected by the darkness, I have explored a large part of the area surrounding out branch of the river. I found a spot that looks great for fishing at the river, Jenny told me others do, so I guess it is safe. Haven’t attempted it yet as I need to prepare fishing gear first.
What I have also found to my great surprise is that some of the area must have been populated recently, as there is still paved roads and functional bridges. I guess they abandoned the site for some reason.
What I was actually looking for, was precious stone and similar valuable items, that I could sell in the mountain village when I returned at springtime. This was an old mining area. Looking alongside the river bank, I was able to find 5 stones with a combined value of more than 500$
The last stone was a diamond, that I found quite near to our community on a small peninsula in the river, containing an ancient Neolithic construction. A beautiful sight with the snow falling silently to the ground.
Funds after this episode: Greg: 6.757 - Jenny: 8.079 Funny enough after both playing a bit on the same guitar, (Jenny play a lot and is now quite good) they have both reg. as a self-employed band, something I have wanted to do in my Janis story but was never allowed too. :'( In this story it makes no sense at all. As far as I can tell no band was actually formed yet. They both have the wish for “jamming” & “adopt a horse” coming up all the time. Janis also seek to sculpture and become a stylist.
At the end of November, two community lots have been added. A large fishing “resort” at the river and a hangout (the one Jenny visited), this latter will be turned into a wild fruit and vegetable “resort” at least for one season attempting to get the community interested in gardening. Greg only use the typewriter to raise his fun-meter.
Now also squirrels come near the houses, a lot of wildlife at this part of the map