Opening Post Biographies: (active characters) Greg Preston (Preston house) Greg was born in the year 2669. Greg was raised in the Mountain Village “Ent”. He was the son of a restaurant owner, ...
Nicholás will turn 35 this month, the leader of the village security, do a lot of work-out to keep in shape. So far, this relatively young man has shown no romantic interest in anyone.
Danelle will turn 59 this month. The Assembly members have decided to get a Daycare and Kids school. As Danelle Mercier is responsible of Kids Education, she has taken the job. The household got 4500$ from the community to build the center in their home. The institution will open the 1st. of January.
Jane Harper is becoming very attached to her new friend and romance Charles Vaughan. She sometimes just sits outside the trade station, waiting for him to end his shift.
The Mclain’s still got this almost neurotic cooking desire. Coming to the trade station after closing hours to make food for seemingly no good reason. The next morning the place was again a mess. Charles Vaughan was annoyed and sold the fridge, to avoid it happening again.
Mussete Mercier and Anders Karlson continues their romance, seemingly very interested in kissing and flirting all the time. Could Anders be the one that would finally satisfy Mussete and make her settle down?
Simon stone is no longer as isolated as before. His working relations with Charles Vaughan has developed into a strong friendship. And he sometimes visits the fiancé Magdalena Mercier, at her job in the River fashion house. They flirt a little or just hang out together.
Near the middle of the month the delegation from “Ent” arrived, they stayed at the Caravan. At the picture it is Lone St. John coming out, the first morning after their arrival.
Queny Wilson from the “Ent” delegation came to inspect the Mercier household residence, first taking a look at the gardens and chicken farm. Respected in “Ent” from its export of high-quality Egg’s and vegetables.
Later she went inside to look at the state of the coming Daycare Institution. She was impressed and suggested that they could also take children from the small one to two family settlements. That had spawn during spring and summertime, between “Ent” and Greg’s River. Armel and Danelle Mercier accepted as they could use the extra income.
Decided to start using lifetime rewards, previously did questions but will ship that completely. Now, from time to time I will do a random number 1-6 on sims having 5000+, if 4 comes out they pick a reward (again completely random) then I will post what reward came up. It was completely random that two got the same and that I hit 4 several times I “took” the Daycare job, it was not automated. Also reset Shina Nara seemingly stuck. Otherwise autonome