Opening Post Biographies: (active characters) Greg Preston (Preston house) Greg was born in the year 2669. Greg was raised in the Mountain Village “Ent”. He was the son of a restaurant owner, ...
Nicholás Valiente did not yet connect very well with the community as a hole, spending most of his days at work or with his dog, but he was beginning to develop a friendship with the nearby Nara family.
Queny Wilson talked with Shina Nara, who confirmed that the sales was now much better after the move from Nara Fields and the relocation to the Institute. Lone St. John inspected the processes of the nice creative works present at the building.
Simon still comes to River fashion house when it is Magdalena’s shift, they talk a little and flirt a little. Having a much better relationship after that night.
One night Magdalena put Pierre in the Stroller seemingly heading for Simon’s house, for some reason she suddenly decided against it and just walked around the family garden and back in the house.
Shina Is very glad she got the high chair. Making it much easier to feed Daichi more proper food. He is less than a year old and still makes a mess when trying to learn to hold the spoon himself.
Veronica Mclain was still great at circulating the village and had relations with most of the villagers. Especially John Hallett saw her a lot and they were developing a relation that would soon be a real friendship. She still had a rather neurotic cooking mania, but the Preston household was now used to that and just ignored it.
The Pegasus Café was rather busy this month. In this case it is Jane Harper behind the bar, Botan Nara and Magdalena Mercier both having a River House Special
Lone St. John hears about the tomato root oil. She analyses the substance and is very impressed with its qualities. She suggests to Greg and Jenny that they produce more and uses it for export to the small settlement forming at the northern part of the river, between “Ent Mountain Village” and “Greg’s River village”, all in need of more energy. Notably all the movements of the delegation were 100% autonome. Jenny dress was autonome :), John repaired the laundry machine (sadly no picture), Nara’s dishwasher is still broken. The Mclain’s was both reset after the episode, to attempt to stop the cooking bug. Everything else autonome. Export of Tomato Root Oil concept: Every time a sim uses the chemistry lap, a gallon of oil is produced, and the household can sell it, “free settlers” picking it up, the value is variable up to 220$, the more oil produced the lower the unit export value that month, season play a role and a random “quality” factor. It can be picked up all year. The sales value will be added to the household immediately (before the end of the month)
---------------------------------------- The Village seen from the North. Tower construction site at lower right corner. This one was photoshopped
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