Here is a summary of what the videos I've posted recently are about. They are 'Getting Ready for Oscar'; Eric's Story; Eric's Story Part 2; Eric's Story Part 3.
I just watched my video on Eric's Story Part 3 and I decided it was good enough to load to YouTube. There are a few places where I wanted to fix it but if I'd done that it would be at least another week before I had it ready to load. And I'm over it. I need to move on. I think I'll do the next episode of Perfect Genetics now. I was supposed to do Oscar arriving at the boarding school but it's been a while since I've done a Perfect Genetics update. I may have to just play it for a while as there is a bit of toddler training to get done and watching toddlers sit and read books isn't exactly riveting YouTube viewing.
With this episode of Eric's Story we only actually see Eric in the first few scenes. Then I move on with the continued introduction to a few of his relatives.
If you've watched all four of the videos I've now done to get ready to merge Oscar into the Big Game you will have met the following Sims.
Generation 1
Patience Ogalvie - matriach and founder sim of the dynasty to which Eric belongs and Oscar is still to meet. Eric's Grandmother.
Marty Hansen - well you see a picture of him - he is the ex-husband of Patience and father of her first 5 children
Gobias Koffi - father of the next 5 of Patience's children - Eric's Grandfather. You ought to know him already if you play Sims 3 as he's a townie from Sunset Valley and Sunset Valley is the world that comes with the Base Game. In this video you only see him sleeping in his bed and the sim in that bed could be anyone. Gobias is a witch in this story. Not my choice - the game turned him into a witch automatically.
Ted Fields - the youngster who Patience seduces when she is tired of Gobias - he is the father of 4 of Patience's children
Christopher Steel - there is some magnetic attraction between Patience and Christopher. She sets eyes on him and she is smitten. For a while at least. He's her final partner and they have one son. Christopher is another townie from Sunset Valley. In this story Christopher is a werewolf - because the game did it before I realised what was happening. I've since turned all occults off in Options so this sort of thing won't happen again. I say who can be an occult in my games.
Marcie Meredith - she is an Adult when introduced to the game. She was made back in 2009 as a live in nanny to help with child-rearing. I added her to Patience and Marty's household when they had a few babies to take care of.
The children - Eric's parents or aunts and uncles
Helena - the eldest daughter of Patience and Marty - she eventually marries Ted and they have 4 children but only 2 have been born by the time of this current video. Helena got a bit glitched while they were living in Dragon Valley and stopped aging. It took me a long time to fix that problem so she isn't quite as old now as she ought to be.
Heather - second born of Patience and Marty - she has lived an interesting life - initially I ignored her until she aged up to Adult excpet for forcing her to have a child with her imaginary friend because I'd read it could be done and wanted to see if that was true. Later she met a handsome genie and she drank a young again potion and became a young adult again. Her husband is Derek Doweling. But when the scenes in this video are shot she still hasn't met him because I hadn't made him yet. But when Oscar meets them I'll have to get Oscar and Eric to stay in their household for a while just because the sims living there are - interesting. I'll list them further down.
Haley - the third child of Patience and Marty - she has always been confused with her relationships. I put it down to her being a child of Patience. When she first aged up to Young Adult I made her a gorgeous young male sim so they could get married and have babies. I wanted babies from all of Patience's children. Well she met this new bloke, they moved in together into a house with lots of other young sims. When it looked like they were a secure couple I moved on to play a different household for a while. During that time she dumped him and took up with a very old sim. He was a townie from Dragon Valley and I forget his name now. He was already an elder. His age bar showed he could drop dead at any moment. I broke them up and got her back with the sim I wanted her to marry. I left the household to play another household and she went straight back to the old man. Eventually I just gave up and added a few more random sims to the game. Her old man soon died of old age but in the meantime the nice youg sim I'd made for her had found someone else and they married and have had a family together. Haley was alone. Next thing Percy (her younger half brother) made his imaginary friend real. Haley and Bob appeared to be smitten with each other so I got them married and played their houshold for a while. They had a baby. I left them alone to play a different household and she divorsed him and ran off with Gobias Koffi. I was horrified. Then I decided to leave her with Gobias as she seemed totally determined to have an old boyfriend no matter what I did for her and also I thought it might lead to some interesting relationships if she and Gobias had any babies. They did. But their babymaking soon came to an end when Gobias died of old age. By now Haley was an adult and she had a fling with a much younger male, Shark Racket. they had a baby, Nic. Then she met a new sim I'd added to the game. this sim was another young adult. She married him. They are still together and have had a couple of babies. Then she went off with Shark Racket again so I allowed them to have another one but she stayed with her husband. He didn't seem to mind.
Henry - the only son of Patience and Marty - Henry got married by the game almost as soon as he aged up to Young Adult. He married Siobahn Murphy. They have two sons. I have rarely played this household but they seem to be going along happily enough. The boys have been educated at the boarding school for each age stage they've been through.
Hannah - the youngest child of Patience and Marty. Hannah married young. Her husband was Mason Sackholme from Dragon Valley. They had one daughter, Star. Unfortunately Martin had a roving eye and Hannah moved out with Star. She soon met a much older man, Quinn Finnegan, they eventually married and had 3 children together before Quinn died of old age. He is in this current video. The video closes with this family at the beach.
Gloria - the eldest daughter of Patience and Gobias. Gloria is in the medical career. She married Kearney O'Shea from Dragon Valley. They have two sons. It was while I was toddler training their eldest son that I realised the time it was going to take for me to toddler train all of the toddlers descended from Patience. And I pondered the problem and came up with the boarding school idea. Initially it was meant just for toddler training but it's usefulness grew and now anyone can go there to learn some skills. It is the most often played household but the occupants change regularly. Gloria and Kearney seem to be happily married.
Giles - the eldest son of Patience and Gobias. Giles is married to Susie Sackholme from Dragon Valley. Suzie is the sister of Mason Sackholme making Giles and Suzie's children double cousins of Star who is the daughter of Suzie's brother and Giles' half-sister. Suzie and Giles have two children but at the time of this current video they only have their son, Sammeh. Giles is a witch - inherited from Gobias.
Percy - the next son of Patience and Gobias. Eric's Father. Percy married an elderly sim, Lorna McCann. When she was ready to die of old age Percy made a young again potion for her and she became a young adult. They had two children, both of whom they worked hard at totally ignoring. Their first child is Eric - the star of this video - and the second is a Susanne. Both Eric and Susanne have become permanent residents of the boarding school due to their neglect by their parents. Percy and Lorna appear to be totally obsessed with each other. Percy is a witch.
Gabbi - the youngest daughter of Patience and Gobias. Gabbi married Aaron Flannagan and they have two children. Gabbi has reached level 10 of the magician career.
Gary - the youngest child of Patience and Gobias. Gary married Fran Flower. She's a fairy. Gary is a witch. They eventually do have two babies and could have more. They also have 3 plumbots including the white floaty Purl that you sometimes see wafting in and out of various scenes in the videos.
Theresa - the eldest child of Patience and Ted Fields. Theresa hasn't married yet but she does have a live in boyfriend who she doesn't seem to like much and he has commitment issues. But they have managed to have a couple of children togther.
Tammy - the second child of Patience and Ted. Tammy is in the singing career and has so far shown no sign of having any interest of having a family or even a partner. I might track her down and try to get her married - or at least to have a baby or two. I want Patience's children to all have a few children if possible.
Toni - the third daughter of Patience and Ted. I need to investigate where Toni is up to in her life.
Tom - the son of Patience and Ted. Tom is interesting. He's showing a wandering eye. He lives with his girlfriend Olwyn Murray and they have a toddler son Ephrahim. Recently I played Tom and found he also had a love interest but she lived in a different world. I wanted to remove that love interest from his relationships. He couldn't call her and he couldn't send her a text so I sent him to visit her. When he met up with her things didn't quite go to plan. She ended up pregnant. I left them to it as I had a few things I needed to do with another houshold. I'd planned for him to break up with her and send him back home but while I was off doing whatever with that other household he had married her. This left me wondering what to do. I waited for the baby to be born and decided to send him back to Olwyn Murray to perhaps break up with her but when he got there it was easier to just leave them to go on together as they had done before. So now Tom has a wife and child in Dark Harbor and a girlfriend and son in Lucky Palms. I couldn't believe it when I found he'd actually married Donna. He's lived with Olwyn for years without any sign of marriage. The game put them together. Donna is part of a large family too and is from a household I added to the game ages ago. They were from a game I played for a while a few years ago - probably as far back as 2010. She was a teen when I saved them to the library so after putting them into the Big Game she attended to boarding school for a while. She probably met Tom there. (I don't remember seeing them together so this was all a bit of a surprise but as usual, I'll go with it). I did send Tom back to see his baby son in Dark harbour and while there decided the baby ought to have a sibling and by the time Tom left to go back to Lucky Palms she was pregnant again. They now have a son and a daughter. I suspect Donna won't see much of Tom but I'll probably use him as my traveling sim occasionally so he can visit them. They won't age while I'm not playing in their world. And the son he has with Olwyn wasn't one I had anything to do with. The game did it. I just love these little surprises. It does make things interesting and unusual things happen in real life so I go with it as otherwise things could get quite boring with a few perfect little families with nothing much happening.
Craig - only child/son of Patience and Christopher Steel. He's a werewolf. Not married. No partner. Has been to boarding school. Still YA in Big Game. I'm planning to find him a wife - will make on to order if necessary - as I want him to have babies.
Then there's Dan. Dan is a born in game sim. He's from an old 2010 save I found on a back up disk. He is the son of Patience and Christopher and is married with 6 children. I really wanted to play his family and gave them all makeovers and then I added them to the Big Game. The video on Getting Ready For Oscar ended up being all about integrating Dan into the Big Game. He is now in Patienc's family tree in this Big Game. So Craig has gained a full brother with a wife and 6 children.
I won't list all of Eric's cousins as there are too many of them.
Briefly, Helena has 4 children and 1 grandchild (her daughter, Carmel, married Parker Langarak and they have a son, Larry) I want to play with her son, Deangelo as he's gorgeous.
A favourite pic of Deangelo
Heather has 2 (plus one her husband cloned from a sim in France) She could have more as she's been made young again and her son David is only a toddler. Perry, her eldest son is almost a YA.
Haley has about 7 children (maybe 8 and I think she's going to have a few more)
Henry has 2
Hannah has 4
Gloria has 2
Giles has 2
Percy has 2 (Eric and his sister)
Gabbi has 2
Theresa has at least 2
Tammy none so far but I have plans that my not come off as I've tried to play her before and got nowhere
Toni none yet (as far as I can recall)
Tom has 3
Craig none yet
Dan has 6
Eric may not have met all of his Aunts, Uncles and cousins but I'm going to get him to visit them with Oscar. They are spread around many different worlds. So far as I know, the one he is closest to is Bob and Haley's son, Harry.