Wow, models your final assignments were amazing! Congratulations on making the final and remember, you all did great! Before we find out the winner and placings. Lets check out the scores!
1st Place
Chell with Zoe
Part 1 - The Billboard
Part 2 - Perfect
Pep's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 5/5
Beauty: 10/10
Creativity: 9/10
Pose: 9/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Amazing work yet again Chell! This picture is exactly what I wanted from this assignment. You showcased her hair
perfectly. Fab job!
Quality: 4.5/5
Beauty: 9/10
Creativity: 10/10
Pose: 9/10
Guidelines: 5/5
This photo gets better each time you look at it. At first I wasn't sure what I felt about it. However
now I've grown to appreciate the creativity and effort put in. Amazing work Chell!
Desi's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 4.5/5
Beauty: 9.5/10
Creativity: 10/10
Pose: 10/10
Guidelines: 5/5
I love it! Zoe's hair is just flowing. Your assignment truly looks like an advertisement for long hair. The only issues I found with your pic, is that the lighting is a bit dull on her face, and the shirt or dress she’s wearing is a little plain. Overall I think you did a superb job.
Quality: 4/5
Beauty: 9/10
Creativity: 9/10
Pose: 8/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Very creative! I think Lacey looks amazing. Your background is stunning, but the ripples around her hair look kind of strange. I also think her arms look stiff, but for the most part I like how she’s posed in the water.
Overall: 149.5
2nd Place
Tay with Lacey
The Billboard
Pep's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 5/5
Beauty: 10/10
Creativity: 9/10
Pose: 9/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Brilliant picture Taylor! Lacey looks pristine. You focused the hair beautifully. Another very good picture of yours!
Quality: 4/5
Beauty: 9/10
Creativity: 8.5/10
Pose: 9/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Hmm, If I was looking at this picture on it's own, I'd love it. However when I look at your previous "Perfect" assignment.
I prefer the older over the new. This one just seems like it's missing something..Although your picture is still a wonderful effort. Well done!
Desi's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 3.5/5
Beauty: 8.5/10
Creativity: 8/10
Pose: .7.5/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Nice billboard font! The lighting looks great. I like Lacey’s outfit, very cute. Her shadow isn't the best quality, and her pose is a little too boring for a billboard. Her hair looks a bit stiff, I think adding some flyaway hairs would have gave it more life.
Quality: 3/5
Beauty: 9.5/10
Creativity: 9.5/10
Pose: 10/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Wow, this is beautiful, reminds me of summer. Lacey looks cute! The quality in your background could use some work. The blur effect caused this weird line to appear in the picture. I also noticed her hair is cutting through the top of her dress. I love how Lacey’s standing on the swing, very creative.
Overall: 143
3rd Place
Ayana with Ayana Samura
The Billboard
Pep's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 5/5
Beauty: 10/10
Creativity: 9/10
Pose: 8.5/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Fantastic picture Ayana! Love all your style choices! Definatley one of your best efforts in the whole competition!
Quality: 3/5
Beauty: 8.5/10
Creativity: 8/10
Pose: 9/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Ayana, even though this picture is nice. I can't help feeling like it's one of my least favorites of yours. Too me it comes across a bit boring. Nevertheless the picture is still a great effort.
Desi's Scores
The Billboard
Quality: 3/5
Beauty: 9.5/10
Creativity: 7.5/10
Pose: 7.5/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Ayana looks gorgeous! I like her make-up and outfit. Her hair looks on point. I'm not too crazy about her pose, it looks kind of awkward. I also think the slogan would have been better if it wasn't covering a part of her arm.
Quality: 3.5/5
Beauty: 9.5/10
Creativity: 8.5/10
Pose: 10/10
Guidelines: 5/5
Ayana looks so fashionable, I love her pose. You did a great job styling her. She really pulled off those heart-shaped sunglasses. The beach background could have used more props, like maybe a chair and blanket.
Overall: 140
And Now, we find out the winner of Model Moment & Co Cycle 2........
You Ready?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
First Place Winner
Chell with Zoe
Congratulations Chell! You are the winner of Model Moment & Co: Cycle 2! You have been an amazing competitor! I've enjoyed your pictures each step of the way. You've shown creativity and beauty in each shot, and pulled off every assignment flawlessly. Well done!
Second Place
Taylor with Lacey
Congratulations Taylor! Each week you proved why you deserved to stay. Your pictures are effortlessly amazing, and I seriously admire you! Thanks for competing, Love ya!
Third Place
Ayana with Ayana Samura
Congratulations Ayana! Each week you grew and grew, and now I believe you to be one of the best here. I've loved having you as a competitor, and hope to see you again soon! Well done! :)
Past Assignment Winners
Tay with Lacey:
Assignment 1 - Anime
Chell with Zoe
Assignment 2 - The Ball
Tay with Lacey
Assignment 3 - Sensuous Romance
Chell with Zoe
Assignment 4 - Bump
Ayana with Ayana Samura
Assignment 5 - Bezerk Chic
Chell with Zoe
Assignment 6 - Sasha?....
Part 1- Sasha Fierce
Part 2 - Sasha Stripped
Part 1 - The Billboard
Part 2 - Perfect