Forum Discussion

PianoAshes's avatar
11 years ago

A Farming Challenge with a Twist

Hello! I've been wanting to do something like this for a whilst now and well, now's the time! I had a feeling there would be other challenges like this out there and I found one which inspired me a little My farmhouse seems to resemble his a lot, though that wasn't at all intentional. :lol: Anyway!

(Rules updated 6/07/2014!)

(updates in red text)

What you'll need for this challenge:-

- Sims 3 (obviously)
- Pets (definitely)
- Ambitions (as washing is part of the challenge)
- World Adventures (for nectar production)
- Supernatural (for consigning produce and honey etc and for the rocking chair which your sim's elderly father spends most of his time in.)
- Showtime (simply because the windows and one of the beds are from Showtime. If you don't have Showtime then feel free to just replace these things.)
- University (for an end table and chair, same applies, if you don't have this then they can be easily replace.)
- Late Night is recommended.
- Seasons is highly recommended and will play a big role in this challenge.
- All farm related store items are also recommended.

(Store bought content "Perpetual wall ivy" and "Pleasant Wall Ivy" are used on the lot, but it's no real problem if you don't have them. Though a lot of people have had the ivy replaced by wall trains... If that happens feel free to switch it over and act as nothing happened. xD)


Our story begins with an old, rundown farmhouse with an unknown history. You have an elderly father who's ill and very frail, a teenage main character and just 500 simoleons.
Our main character's elderly father has just recently lost everything and they've had to move to a new town. They basically came to Appaloosa Plains with nothing and were given an old beaten up farmhouse and 500 simoleons on the condition that they renovate and build it up to be a working farm once again. The main character's elderly father is too frail to do any work and has to be cared for by the main character.


- You must begin with an elderly father and a teenage sim (which are on the lot by default. You may use a cheat and edit them in CAS. The elderly father must stay male but the teenager can be either male or female. You may also choose whichever traits you desire for this challenge. (Although the gatherer trait is discouraged). They must stay human though- no supernaturals.
(This does not apply to heirs later on- they may marry into supernatural families.)

- No cheats unless there's a glitch and it becomes a necessity.

- You start out with 500 simoleons and you may spend that on whatever you feel would be most productive. (You may start out with less if you choose. You may also remove walls, food from the fridge etc. Basically anything to make the challenge harder!)

- Lifespan is entirely up to you, but for more of a challenge keep it under or around 100 sim days. (This goes for supernatural sims. Try to age them up at the same rate as a regular sim (with witches you won't have a problem).

- Neither the elderly father nor the first generation may travel abroad, attend university or travel into the future. The second, third, fourth and so on, may.

- Teenage main character must attend school as normal and earn an A.

- MC must fix all broken items and clean up the horrific mess by him/herself.

- MC must also do all the growing of the crops him/herself.

- MC must also do all general housework (with the exception of old newspapers and dirty clothes that may be dragged by player.)

- MC must care for the elderly father as he is ill and very frail and must rest...
- Cook him a proper meal at least twice a week. (Father can eat leftovers whenever they're there and can get quick meal once a week)
- Clean up after him as much as you can.
- Don't leave him unattended unless MC is going to school.
- Don't allow him to do any housework if possible, especially cleaning, gardening or cooking. (Bringing in the washing now and again is acceptable if your MC is completely snowed under.)
- When the father wants to leave the house then MC must accompany him everywhere up until his passing.

- The elder may do anything he wishes so long as it's not strenuous such as read, rock in the rocking chair, fish so long as he is accompanied by the teen (you may sell these fish at the consignment store (or supermarket if the option is unavailable)) and socialise with other sims he meets.

What the elder can do to help-
- Keep pets company
- Feed pets if your MC is too busy
- Check weather in newspaper
- Talk to plants
- Bring in washing on occasion if MC is too busy

- Nothing that comes with the house/lot can be customised. You must wait until you can afford to replace it all- this includes objects, windows and doors, wallpaper etc. Trees, plants and weeds must be deleted and not sold. Items such as fridges or beds may be sold only if they are to be replaced.

- The house cannot be developed by MC and although you can buy new wallpaper, furniture etc. the building must stay the same until the second generation is in charge. (Windows and doors may be replace and you may add a ladder to the attic and use this space to make room for your growing family.)

The only ways you can make money:-
- Selling produce
- Selling nectar you've made yourself
- Selling eggs
- Selling cheese from milking cows
- Selling honey and bees wax (can be from own bee hive or the two from the elixir store once a week).
- Collecting bugs, rocks and general collectibles when there is time to spare. (Bugs must be traded at the science lab and rocks can either be sold or must be smelted/cut through mail for a fee.)
- Fishing when there is time to spare (fish may be sold (at the supermarket only), eaten or mounted.
- Your sims may also accept opportunities relating to their skills i.e. "fix broken stereo".
- Selling flowers that you've picked from your home lot only.
- Breeding and selling horses (next generation may enter horse races and earn that way also).
- Next generation may make money anyway you'd like- this includes getting a job!
- Children may have bake sales.
- If you have the store content that allows you to sell baked goods then you may have your MC or his wife do that also when there's time.

(All collectibles, crops, nectar honey and everything possible must be sold at either the consignment store or the elixir store. For things that aren't possible to be sold that way they may be sold normally. Crops may also be sold at the supermarket if you do so wish.)

- You may not steal or sell stolen items.

- You may not merge any other sims with your household.

- Your MC may not attend university (this goes for the elder and your MC's partner).

- Your MC must marry and and have at least 3/4 children in his/her lifetime.

- MC can marry anyone you like with any traits you desire, but for more of a challenge stick with non-wealthy sims.

- The family may all help out with chores.

- Your MC may have either a cat and a dog, two dogs or two cats and up to three horses. As soon as the second generation reaches young adult then you're free to have as many pets as you like. Minor pets are always allowed.

- Bugs and animals caught by cats may be sold or kept as pets, but obviously bugs must be donated to the science lab.

- Anything to aid your sim in farming is permitted if it can be afforded, such as sprinklers, tractors and harvesters. It's really up to the player- if you want more of a challenge then stay away from things such as Swiftgrow Gardening Station at least until your money is steady.

More about the farm when it's becoming a fully functional working farm:

- Chickens must be fed once a day and eggs must be collected once a day. If you specifically want some chicks then be sure to have two chicken coops so that you're able to still collect some eggs.
- Cows must be milked at least twice a day to make cheese.
- Bees should be tended to at least once a day, this includes cleaning and smoking the hive and feeding the bees.

More about second (or third or fourth etc) generation:

- Despite having more freedom the farm must remain a working farm. The rules, however, are more lenient- for instance, you may skip milking the cows or tending the chickens sometimes. It's recommended that you keep on top of the crops and bees, though.
- Changing the house and farm's theme based on your heir's personality, tastes and experiences is strongly encouraged!
- You may have your sim/sims attend university.
- You may also have your sims travel into the future.
- Traveling abroad is also permitted, but discouraged as your sims does not age during this period.
- Your sims may now use the gem cutter if they desire.

- Finally, have fun! It may seem like a lot of rules, but it is meant to be a challenge and it is certainly doable.

- The time portal may not be sold- it can be either deleted or kept.
- The university packages may be sold or kept.
- Wedding gifts are fair game and you may do with them whatever you please.
- Gift giving parties are permitted once a year- generally on Snowflake day.


Download household here:-

Some pictures of the house and inside:-