Forum Discussion

catchingkatie's avatar
10 years ago

Adopt a Pet glitch - HELP!!

Hello again, all!!

I'm experiencing a glitch. When I google it I can find several other cases of it but can't seem to find a solution.

I called on the phone in game to adopt a pet - chose my kitten, had the pop up "are you sure, they're a lot of work..." and said yes, and re-named her. It said that the pet needed to be cleaned up and was on the way, but never arrived. It has been a few sim days and still nothing. I can't call the adoption place again because it's grayed out and says the pet is on the way and I need to wait for it to arrive. I also can't edit town, move, travel etc for the same reason.

I've tried resetting the sims, re setting everything (resetsim *), all other NPCs are coming to the house when called (maid, paper boy...). I have all the major NRAAS mods. I already saved after the problem started so I can't go back :( Can anyone help??