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janeeyre37's avatar
5 years ago

Female teen sims can't age up?

Hi - struggled with this issue before but I had fixed it because I hadn't run into problems with it before. Not really sure what to do so any suggestions would be appreciated! Other than teen sims (apparentely just female too, because I've aged up a couple male teens without any problems), I'm having pretty much no problems with aging. But with my female teen sims, if I try to trigger age transition using testing cheats, they have the action for a few seconds before it quickly cancels for seemingly no reason. Once I've tried to trigger an age transition, I can't edit them in CAS, or in the Master Controller Stylist. If I try to change their outfit using Master Controller the only option that appears is "Singed 1" - if I click on that nothing happens. The only thing that allows me to edit them in CAS is if I reset using Master Controller - but last time I did that it completely reset all the sim's facial sliders so she looked totally different.

I've tried different saves, used save cleaner to clean the game (the file went down significantly in size so I know it did something), deleted the cache files, and used Delphy's dashboard tool to scan all my CC. There were a couple files that came up as "Bad Ages: Child + Adult" so I deleted those. Hoped that would fix the problem but no luck. I've also got a new laptop since I last encountered this problem, so the game has been freshly installed.

I suspect it is outfit related, but this issue didn't start appearing until directly after I downloaded Generations, while meanwhile I haven't added any new CC. For the record I know teen female sims in my town do age up eventually - I've been getting notified by StoryProgression when they do. It's just often takes longer than I think it's supposed to (although I haven't been keeping track of an exact number of days).

Any help would be appreciated!
  • As a test, I would suggest running a copy of your game save with all CC removed (not necessarily to be saved after confirmation). The blockage almost has to be due to CC, but if we can confirm that the teens age up properly with no CC present at all then we can move on from there to a more helpful solution. The "Singed 1" result is interesting and suggests that it is a "Special" outfit part these sims may have in common and not something like an accessory that you would be likely to see on Everyday, Formal, Sleepwear, etc.

    If a MasterController reset results in a sim's appearance being entirely re-rolled, then the sim in question had become corrupt. That again can be due to the presence of bad CC CAS parts or bad/conflicting sliders, but the above should at least be able to help confirm that.
  • UlanDhor's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Some specific muscle slider for teens and elders (from a mod) is known to do that, if you use such a thing.
  • @igazor Removed all the CC for a test and was able to age up without problems - so its definitely that. Good to know! But I'll have to weed out what's bad, but I'm not quite sure where to start (I do have a decent amount).... do you have any idea or educated guess to where I should start? The weird thing is I tested aging up in a brand new Sunset Valley save - and the first time I tried it, with CC still installed, Master Controller still reset all the Sim's sliders to zero. So somehow some CC I had must be interacting with Master Controller in some way? It's very weird.

    @Turjan I don't use any custom body or facial mods! It's all very weird. But I'll double check again in case there is one installed somehow without my knowing.
  • "ragus321;c-17419546" wrote:
    Removed all the CC for a test and was able to age up without problems - so its definitely that.

    @ragus321 Using third party CC seems to be one of the more effective ways of messing up your game, immediately or later on.

    ivinian on so called "safe CC":
    "Well... let's talk about what "safe" means in the context of CC.

    Safe means that the content in question:
    * Isn't directly defective.
    * Doesn't contain any really harmful code.
    * Has ID numbers that don't conflict with already-installed content.
    * Doesn't mess your game up in other, unforeseen ways.

    The first two are fairly easy to lick. Get Custard, get Sims Dashboard (Google them, they're all over the place last I checked). They work on the PC and are easy to learn to use. Then don't install a blessed thing on your game without it going through those two programs (Custard if it's a sims3pack, Dashboard if it's a package file).

    The second two are what will really mess you up. Even if content passes the first two tests, it might fail the second two because--and this is important to understand here--almost all CC is written by amateurs who may or may not understand what they're doing and how it interacts with EA's content. It's crazy hard to catch conflicts (Dashboard will run the check, but it's not always easy to match up the actual installed file with the conflicted item's ID), and it can be almost impossible to tell if the content will otherwise mess you up till you put it into game and then realize everybody's naked. Or the game is crashing to desktop. Or your Store won't download to your computer. Or nobody's getting married. Or your Launcher decides it hates everybody and won't load. Or everybody's bald. Or, as someone in this very thread discovered, that awesome foreign site gave you a horrible virus along with the CC you downloaded. CC can have really unpredictable effects on your game, and your results might vary from mine because we have different stuff installed on our respective games. Every one of the sites mentioned here as "safe" has given me problems at one time or another."
  • Hi @InfraGreen and @SuzyCue72 : found the CC causing problems and removed it, everything seems to be working fine now! Good to note about 'safe' CC - I don't really download new CC anymore, a lot of the times it isnt worth the risk