So I'm installing my store content into the new computer. You can just imagine ;) . I sure don't have a head for this the way most of you do. I know this because I watched each of @ZeeGee's videos about installing store stuff more than twice and still felt like I'd never figure it out, lol. It was so nice to see it in action though, ZeeGee. It helped a lot.
That said, @ciane, words just can't describe how grateful I am that you took so much time to do all this work. Thank you!!! I know everyone feels that way. Wow. It's so very helpful to see the sizes of the files on your list before I load them.
So I just want to be sure I'm on the right track. Alright, so I get the part about making sure the EBC's are numbered 0, 1, 2, etc. and watching the size of each one so it doesn't go over that magic number, and then removing the pkg files from the downloads folder into safe storage (I'm even copying the EBC files for each download into its own folder on my external hard drive), so what I wanted to verify is: while we are watching the file sizes in the DDCache, the files in the DCBackup go on and on for all eternity and that bunch just keeps growing and growing the more we download? Won't it be like a mile long once this whole installation is complete?