7 years ago
Looking for worlds with fully-fledged households and stories
Hello, I've recently gone back to playing TS3 and have been enjoying custom worlds for the first time and I'm loving it more than ever. I know there is an abundance of greatly made custom worlds out there, but there have been a few that have blown my mind with the amount of backstory and detail put into the world, lots and households inside. I realized that I don't really enjoy playing in a world with generic sims and families no matter how well-made the world itself is. That was my main problem with worlds like Anne Arbor and Storybrook County from mysimsrealty, or with St Claire.
On the other hand, I fell in love with the worlds of Quailhogs (which I believe deserve more attention and love from this community), mainly Grey Meadow and Vargfjell. The amount of detail he put into these sims, their stories... It's almost like playing a completely different game from scratch.
I also really enjoy Los Aniegos from coasterboi, although he put considerably less backstory to his sims, compared to Quailhogs. The households and sims are all unique and interesting enough nontheless, and the world gives you an immersive West Coast experience right away.
I also want to mention Setra by Pyronium3, which is a bit like Los Aniegos in terms of amount of household-detail and backstory, but the setting is so well done that it's not difficult to fill in the gaps of storytelling yourself.
So, I would be very interested if you can suggest me any other worlds with fully-developed backstories and pre-made sims. Or if you just want to talk about the worlds you love. :smile:
On the other hand, I fell in love with the worlds of Quailhogs (which I believe deserve more attention and love from this community), mainly Grey Meadow and Vargfjell. The amount of detail he put into these sims, their stories... It's almost like playing a completely different game from scratch.
I also really enjoy Los Aniegos from coasterboi, although he put considerably less backstory to his sims, compared to Quailhogs. The households and sims are all unique and interesting enough nontheless, and the world gives you an immersive West Coast experience right away.
I also want to mention Setra by Pyronium3, which is a bit like Los Aniegos in terms of amount of household-detail and backstory, but the setting is so well done that it's not difficult to fill in the gaps of storytelling yourself.
So, I would be very interested if you can suggest me any other worlds with fully-developed backstories and pre-made sims. Or if you just want to talk about the worlds you love. :smile: