Forum Discussion

DollyGizzy's avatar
6 years ago

Nraas Mods: My little review on them and how they've helped my gameplay.

Hello everyone!
I currently downloaded several Mods on Nraas for Sims 3 and have enjoyed them! I'm going to list the ones I have, why I like them, and who would like them.

I've currently only used this to quickly change my Sim's outfits, and once to change Anne Song, who came to my Feast Party, into her normal clothes, as she was dressed a little inappropriate for the gathering! However, I know there's lots more! You can change NPC's outfits, Add more children or siblings, Easily remove Occults, but also reset stuck sims, which can be really useful!
I'd recommend it for the reset sim ability: I encounter stuck or annoying sims that Overwatch doesn't reset, and can easily reset them. The outfit and stylist options are great if you dislike a Sim's look.

This has helped tremendously! It turns off TV and stereos at 3 am, solves unroutable Sims or Animals, and other "junk" that can mess up a play session. I wouldn't go without this one!

I always found that Cats, Dogs and even Raccoons made my computer crash. Now it's no longer an issue with Register! It let's you add or remove the population of stray cats, stray dogs, raccoons, deer, horses, and unicorns! It can also remove or add more Paparazzi, in case your celebrity Sims are tired of constant camera flashing and early morning doorbell ringing! I'd totally recommend this if you'd like to remove or add more of these things to games, especially CAW worlds.

I definitely have mixed feelings on this one currently. I adored the idea of adding more diseases to towns than just the flu or allergies, but this truely made a challenge. I'm up for challenges though! I don't have the zombie diseases (Don't have supernatural, not interested in such things) or Lethal diseases (Fear of my Sims dying young. It happens though irl so depends on one's preference). Adding simfluenza, llama pox, the common cold and S.I.V definitely make the game more realistic, and accidentitis and Laugh Riot are interesting! However, be prepared to ask sims "Are you Contagious?" before giving that friendly hug...

Produce Stand
I'm yet to fully use this, as I've only stocked the inventory, and haven't sold anything yet. This is great if you have a large garden and want to sell fresh vegetables and fruit! I'm even trying selling wildflowers for Love Day!

Workout Costs Money
Title speaks for itself. Why have a gym that's used so often and make it free to use? I'd recommend this if you want a more realistic game.

Not downloaded yet but hope to in the near future:
No Fridge Shopping
Tax Collector

Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm going to get Saver ASAP since I constantly forget to save, and when I think to the computer crashes and I lose a LOT!