8 years agoLegend
I have been a prolific poster of images of my sims in action over the past few years. Unfortunately recent changes to the forum have broken the links to all of my pictures.
I have spent a couple of days editing a small number of these broken links but am never going to be able to find many of them, let alone fix them all.
I've read that the forum has now been fixed and this is no longer a problem. Maybe it has been fixed for some, but my pictures are all still gone. :(
I've decided to start a new thread to tell about my main game and post new pictures that will hopefully not have broken links. My story will contain YouTube videos as well as it progresses.
If you are interested in seeing some of my videos this is the link to my channel.
This post is about setting up the characters in preparation for the beginning of the story. The story begins long before I started making videos and loading them to YouTube.
My process of making, skilling and storing sims began in June 2009.
Then, in November 2014 I made a decision to start using mods and custom content.
It was a big decision for me to make because up to that point I'd been building and putting my builds and a few sims onto the Exchange. All of my studio is CC free. I want to keep it that way.
If I was about to start adding CC and mods to my game then I'd have to stop putting things onto the Exchange.
I wanted to explore mods and CC and started finding out about them.
One mod that has affected my game the most is from NRAAS. It is Traveler mod. With this mod I can have Sims living in multiple worlds and maintain their relationships with each other and even visit each other. I've added mods to extend the number of Sims I can have in a household and to pack numerous sims from multiple households so I can move them to a new game without them losing their relationships with each other.
But all of this mod involvement started long after my story had its roots.
I started a new game soon after adding mods to my game. Since it is a continuation of earlier games it is hard to tell when exactly it started. I call it 'My Big Game'.
It may have started way back when I tried, and failed, to get the badge for a Sim having 15 children.
Or it could have its roots in one of the first games I ever played in the Sims 3 - back in 2009.
Patience Ogalvie was the third Sim I ever made. The other two were a mother and daughter. I didn't play them for long. I do still have them and they may make an appearance in this tale at some stage.
I made Patience in 2009. She wanted to be a heart breaker. She worked in the science career where she met a much older man and became romantically involved with him. He was a townie sim named Gobias Koffi.
One day Patience was out fishing in a lake and unexpectedly met Christopher Steel. Their mutual attraction was instant and they had a whirlwind romance before getting married and settling down together.
Patience never told Gobias about Christopher and tried to maintain her relationships with both Sims.
One day she came to work obviously pregnant. Gobias was heartbroken.
Eventually Patience carried on a relationship with both Christopher and Gobias and had several children with each of them. Both Sims knew of her involvement with the other and coped with it in their own ways.
Due to the difficulty of caring for all of those babies I made a 'nanny' to live with Patience and Christopher. Her name was Marcie. Marcie was made as an Adult.
Gobias was eventually stuck alone with the children he had with Patience. He did his best for them and seemed to manage quite well all things considered.
Gobias's babies had to be moved out of Patience and Christopher's home to make room for the babies she was having with Christopher.
To manage so many babies with the limit of only 8 sims per household Patience had her first baby with Christopher and kept him at home with her throughout the game. Then she had five with Gobias before having more with Christopher. Gobias got his children dumped on him as they aged up to child.
All of her children with Gobias, and the first one she had with Christopher hated Patience due to her cheating ways. There was no 'No Jealousy' lifetime reward back then.
It was at this time that I saw Gobias autonomously propose marriage to Patience. She turned him down and he begged but she was firmly not going to abandon Christopher.
Then I abandoned that game. I was still learning the basics of how Sims games worked.
Over the years, Patience had had many relationships with Christopher in many different games. They raised various families, and even died of old age in one game. They were usually faithful to each other in most games. Unless Gobias happened to be in the game - then there would inevitably be trouble.
Move on a real life year or two. I wanted a badge for a sim having 15 children.
Patience had her 15 children by moving around to various houses and leaving the children behind with their fathers when she moved on. That turned out to be not the way to get the badge. But I ended up with some interesting play styles and a complex family of Sims. They stayed on my hard drive while I got on with many other different games.
Due to bugs in the Sims 3 game, I spent several simming years playing many short-lived games, always making a new household in CAS. Most of the games contained 8 unrelated young adults who gained a few skills and got up to mischief or did their own thing because I had Free Will on High and Ageing off.
All of these sims were kept. Some stored in their games and others moved to my library.
There were rarely babies or pregnancies in any of the games due to family trees habitually breaking. Master Controller fixed that for me and I was able to play families again after putting mods into my game in late 2014 or early 2015.
With these mods installed, I went back to my old save, the one with the 15 children. Some of them had aged up to Young Adult. I decided I'd play them through the generations.
As I moved them to different worlds I added old sims from my other old games. They became townies who I also played. I already knew them all and most of them had achieved a lot before I left them in their saves, or in my library. Sometimes I picked up new Sims they met along the way in different worlds. Sometimes I made new Sims. I play any household I feel like at the time. It helps to have them in many different worlds as I keep the sims in those worlds set to not ageing while they are not being played. That means I can't stay too long in any one world to keep them all at relatively similar ages. But that is all for the future of this little tale.
How do I keep my sims safe from corruption in my library? When I have a Sim I don't want to lose I 'share' them. This makes them into a Sims3Pack file that I can install via the launcher if I move to another computer or have to restart my Sims 3 folder in Documents for any reason. I have between 400 and 500 of these Sims3Pack files containing households. Many of the households are only one sim but others have eight or more.
Let me introduce my founder, Patience, and her family as they were at the start of 'My Big Game'.
Unfortunately, I can't take you back the their beginnings as that was years before I started posting on the forums in April 2012. I may have old screen shots somewhere but it is unlikely.
Here is the family as it was when I began this current phase of their story.
Initially they lived in Sunset Valley. That was in a pre-modded world for my games and before I started posting on the forums.
When I decided to try for the badge where a sim had to have 15 children I decided Patience could be the mother. She had the personality and lifetime wish to pull it off. Strangely enough though, I've never managed to fulfill that particular lifetime wish with any sim in any game.
I made a new man for her. His name was Marty. I put them into a house together and they eventually married and had five children together. Marcie moved in with them to help take care of the children as Patience was more interested in looking for another man and Marty had to go out to work.
Soon Patience located Gobias and moved in with him. Marty wasn't too happy about that and divorced her.
Patience and Gobias lived together for a while and they had five children together. That brought her total of children to 10.
In this version of the game Gobias was a witch and some of the children inherited that occult state.
I made a new man for Patience. He was a young adult - just aged up from teen. His name was Ted.
By now Patience was an adult and her eldest daughter was a teen. Patience and Marty had 4 girls and a boy.Their eldest was a girl, Helena.
When Patience came across Ted she soon seduced him and they moved in together leaving Gobias alone with his five children. He didn't have the assistance of a baby sitter or nanny.
In the meantime Marty and Marcie had become romantically involved and had a son together. They married and lived happily ever after. You will see lots of them later on as the story develops.
Now Patience and Ted lived together in a big house and the children Patience had left behind with their fathers would take it in turn to move in with her and Ted. This way I could teach them some skills. Patience had four children with Ted. Then she came across a dashing young werewolf. Christopher Steel. Of course she fell madly in love with him. This happened at around the same time teenaged Helena had fallen for Ted.
Now, Patience only ever married Marty, the first man she was involved with.
Ted avoided Helena's advances.
In the meantime Patience and Christopher became an item and Christopher moved in with her and Ted and the children.
Ted moved out.
Patience and Christopher had one son. She now had her 15 children but no badge.
Helena kept chasing Ted and when she aged up to Young Adult he allowed her to move in with him. They had two children together.
Then I had a glitch in the game due to an opportunity Helena kept getting. I found a solution to the problem but had moved on to another game by then. Helena was in the singing career.
This game sat in limbo for a few real time years and I kept wanting to take it further but didn't think Sims 3 could handle what I wanted to do with it.
Then there were mods....
Things changed and I revived my extended family with the help of Porter mod and moved them to Dragon Valley.
Here are some pictures and family trees as they were at the time I started playing them in Dragon Valley.
Household 1. Patience, Christopher and Craig
Christopher and Craig are werewolves.
Craig's Family Tree showing his parents and his half-siblings.
As you can see, there are 15 of them there and they are all of the children Patience had with Marty, Gobias, Ted and Christopher.
It is in Patience's nature to go on the prowl for new men. I haven't played her household with Christopher much but have had occasion to find her out late at night and she has always been very receptive to the advances of any male sim I happened to be playing at the time. Christopher doesn't seem to object. They are still living together although they have never married. Craig is their only child.
This is the Family Tree of Gobias
Patience is the mother of all of his five children.
This is Ted's family tree. It is a bit more complicated.
Some of Ted's children are his wife's half-siblings, although Ted and Helena are not yet married in the game.
I'll leave it here for now. Happy Simming.
I have spent a couple of days editing a small number of these broken links but am never going to be able to find many of them, let alone fix them all.
I've read that the forum has now been fixed and this is no longer a problem. Maybe it has been fixed for some, but my pictures are all still gone. :(
I've decided to start a new thread to tell about my main game and post new pictures that will hopefully not have broken links. My story will contain YouTube videos as well as it progresses.
If you are interested in seeing some of my videos this is the link to my channel.
This post is about setting up the characters in preparation for the beginning of the story. The story begins long before I started making videos and loading them to YouTube.
My process of making, skilling and storing sims began in June 2009.
Then, in November 2014 I made a decision to start using mods and custom content.
It was a big decision for me to make because up to that point I'd been building and putting my builds and a few sims onto the Exchange. All of my studio is CC free. I want to keep it that way.
If I was about to start adding CC and mods to my game then I'd have to stop putting things onto the Exchange.
I wanted to explore mods and CC and started finding out about them.
One mod that has affected my game the most is from NRAAS. It is Traveler mod. With this mod I can have Sims living in multiple worlds and maintain their relationships with each other and even visit each other. I've added mods to extend the number of Sims I can have in a household and to pack numerous sims from multiple households so I can move them to a new game without them losing their relationships with each other.
But all of this mod involvement started long after my story had its roots.
I started a new game soon after adding mods to my game. Since it is a continuation of earlier games it is hard to tell when exactly it started. I call it 'My Big Game'.
It may have started way back when I tried, and failed, to get the badge for a Sim having 15 children.
Or it could have its roots in one of the first games I ever played in the Sims 3 - back in 2009.
Patience Ogalvie was the third Sim I ever made. The other two were a mother and daughter. I didn't play them for long. I do still have them and they may make an appearance in this tale at some stage.
I made Patience in 2009. She wanted to be a heart breaker. She worked in the science career where she met a much older man and became romantically involved with him. He was a townie sim named Gobias Koffi.
One day Patience was out fishing in a lake and unexpectedly met Christopher Steel. Their mutual attraction was instant and they had a whirlwind romance before getting married and settling down together.
Patience never told Gobias about Christopher and tried to maintain her relationships with both Sims.
One day she came to work obviously pregnant. Gobias was heartbroken.
Eventually Patience carried on a relationship with both Christopher and Gobias and had several children with each of them. Both Sims knew of her involvement with the other and coped with it in their own ways.
Due to the difficulty of caring for all of those babies I made a 'nanny' to live with Patience and Christopher. Her name was Marcie. Marcie was made as an Adult.
Gobias was eventually stuck alone with the children he had with Patience. He did his best for them and seemed to manage quite well all things considered.
Gobias's babies had to be moved out of Patience and Christopher's home to make room for the babies she was having with Christopher.
To manage so many babies with the limit of only 8 sims per household Patience had her first baby with Christopher and kept him at home with her throughout the game. Then she had five with Gobias before having more with Christopher. Gobias got his children dumped on him as they aged up to child.
All of her children with Gobias, and the first one she had with Christopher hated Patience due to her cheating ways. There was no 'No Jealousy' lifetime reward back then.
It was at this time that I saw Gobias autonomously propose marriage to Patience. She turned him down and he begged but she was firmly not going to abandon Christopher.
Then I abandoned that game. I was still learning the basics of how Sims games worked.
Over the years, Patience had had many relationships with Christopher in many different games. They raised various families, and even died of old age in one game. They were usually faithful to each other in most games. Unless Gobias happened to be in the game - then there would inevitably be trouble.
Move on a real life year or two. I wanted a badge for a sim having 15 children.
Patience had her 15 children by moving around to various houses and leaving the children behind with their fathers when she moved on. That turned out to be not the way to get the badge. But I ended up with some interesting play styles and a complex family of Sims. They stayed on my hard drive while I got on with many other different games.
Due to bugs in the Sims 3 game, I spent several simming years playing many short-lived games, always making a new household in CAS. Most of the games contained 8 unrelated young adults who gained a few skills and got up to mischief or did their own thing because I had Free Will on High and Ageing off.
All of these sims were kept. Some stored in their games and others moved to my library.
There were rarely babies or pregnancies in any of the games due to family trees habitually breaking. Master Controller fixed that for me and I was able to play families again after putting mods into my game in late 2014 or early 2015.
With these mods installed, I went back to my old save, the one with the 15 children. Some of them had aged up to Young Adult. I decided I'd play them through the generations.
As I moved them to different worlds I added old sims from my other old games. They became townies who I also played. I already knew them all and most of them had achieved a lot before I left them in their saves, or in my library. Sometimes I picked up new Sims they met along the way in different worlds. Sometimes I made new Sims. I play any household I feel like at the time. It helps to have them in many different worlds as I keep the sims in those worlds set to not ageing while they are not being played. That means I can't stay too long in any one world to keep them all at relatively similar ages. But that is all for the future of this little tale.
How do I keep my sims safe from corruption in my library? When I have a Sim I don't want to lose I 'share' them. This makes them into a Sims3Pack file that I can install via the launcher if I move to another computer or have to restart my Sims 3 folder in Documents for any reason. I have between 400 and 500 of these Sims3Pack files containing households. Many of the households are only one sim but others have eight or more.
Let me introduce my founder, Patience, and her family as they were at the start of 'My Big Game'.
Unfortunately, I can't take you back the their beginnings as that was years before I started posting on the forums in April 2012. I may have old screen shots somewhere but it is unlikely.
Here is the family as it was when I began this current phase of their story.
Initially they lived in Sunset Valley. That was in a pre-modded world for my games and before I started posting on the forums.
When I decided to try for the badge where a sim had to have 15 children I decided Patience could be the mother. She had the personality and lifetime wish to pull it off. Strangely enough though, I've never managed to fulfill that particular lifetime wish with any sim in any game.
I made a new man for her. His name was Marty. I put them into a house together and they eventually married and had five children together. Marcie moved in with them to help take care of the children as Patience was more interested in looking for another man and Marty had to go out to work.
Soon Patience located Gobias and moved in with him. Marty wasn't too happy about that and divorced her.
Patience and Gobias lived together for a while and they had five children together. That brought her total of children to 10.
In this version of the game Gobias was a witch and some of the children inherited that occult state.
I made a new man for Patience. He was a young adult - just aged up from teen. His name was Ted.
By now Patience was an adult and her eldest daughter was a teen. Patience and Marty had 4 girls and a boy.Their eldest was a girl, Helena.
When Patience came across Ted she soon seduced him and they moved in together leaving Gobias alone with his five children. He didn't have the assistance of a baby sitter or nanny.
In the meantime Marty and Marcie had become romantically involved and had a son together. They married and lived happily ever after. You will see lots of them later on as the story develops.
Now Patience and Ted lived together in a big house and the children Patience had left behind with their fathers would take it in turn to move in with her and Ted. This way I could teach them some skills. Patience had four children with Ted. Then she came across a dashing young werewolf. Christopher Steel. Of course she fell madly in love with him. This happened at around the same time teenaged Helena had fallen for Ted.
Now, Patience only ever married Marty, the first man she was involved with.
Ted avoided Helena's advances.
In the meantime Patience and Christopher became an item and Christopher moved in with her and Ted and the children.
Ted moved out.
Patience and Christopher had one son. She now had her 15 children but no badge.
Helena kept chasing Ted and when she aged up to Young Adult he allowed her to move in with him. They had two children together.
Then I had a glitch in the game due to an opportunity Helena kept getting. I found a solution to the problem but had moved on to another game by then. Helena was in the singing career.
This game sat in limbo for a few real time years and I kept wanting to take it further but didn't think Sims 3 could handle what I wanted to do with it.
Then there were mods....
Things changed and I revived my extended family with the help of Porter mod and moved them to Dragon Valley.
Here are some pictures and family trees as they were at the time I started playing them in Dragon Valley.
Household 1. Patience, Christopher and Craig
Christopher and Craig are werewolves.
Craig's Family Tree showing his parents and his half-siblings.
As you can see, there are 15 of them there and they are all of the children Patience had with Marty, Gobias, Ted and Christopher.
It is in Patience's nature to go on the prowl for new men. I haven't played her household with Christopher much but have had occasion to find her out late at night and she has always been very receptive to the advances of any male sim I happened to be playing at the time. Christopher doesn't seem to object. They are still living together although they have never married. Craig is their only child.
This is the Family Tree of Gobias
Patience is the mother of all of his five children.
This is Ted's family tree. It is a bit more complicated.
Some of Ted's children are his wife's half-siblings, although Ted and Helena are not yet married in the game.
I'll leave it here for now. Happy Simming.