Forum Discussion

karritz's avatar
8 years ago


I have been a prolific poster of images of my sims in action over the past few years. Unfortunately recent changes to the forum have broken the links to all of my pictures.

I have spent a couple of days editing a small number of these broken links but am never going to be able to find many of them, let alone fix them all.

I've read that the forum has now been fixed and this is no longer a problem. Maybe it has been fixed for some, but my pictures are all still gone. :(

I've decided to start a new thread to tell about my main game and post new pictures that will hopefully not have broken links. My story will contain YouTube videos as well as it progresses.

If you are interested in seeing some of my videos this is the link to my channel.


This post is about setting up the characters in preparation for the beginning of the story. The story begins long before I started making videos and loading them to YouTube.

My process of making, skilling and storing sims began in June 2009.

Then, in November 2014 I made a decision to start using mods and custom content.

It was a big decision for me to make because up to that point I'd been building and putting my builds and a few sims onto the Exchange. All of my studio is CC free. I want to keep it that way.

If I was about to start adding CC and mods to my game then I'd have to stop putting things onto the Exchange.

I wanted to explore mods and CC and started finding out about them.

One mod that has affected my game the most is from NRAAS. It is Traveler mod. With this mod I can have Sims living in multiple worlds and maintain their relationships with each other and even visit each other. I've added mods to extend the number of Sims I can have in a household and to pack numerous sims from multiple households so I can move them to a new game without them losing their relationships with each other.

But all of this mod involvement started long after my story had its roots.

I started a new game soon after adding mods to my game. Since it is a continuation of earlier games it is hard to tell when exactly it started. I call it 'My Big Game'.

It may have started way back when I tried, and failed, to get the badge for a Sim having 15 children.

Or it could have its roots in one of the first games I ever played in the Sims 3 - back in 2009.

Patience Ogalvie was the third Sim I ever made. The other two were a mother and daughter. I didn't play them for long. I do still have them and they may make an appearance in this tale at some stage.

I made Patience in 2009. She wanted to be a heart breaker. She worked in the science career where she met a much older man and became romantically involved with him. He was a townie sim named Gobias Koffi.

One day Patience was out fishing in a lake and unexpectedly met Christopher Steel. Their mutual attraction was instant and they had a whirlwind romance before getting married and settling down together.

Patience never told Gobias about Christopher and tried to maintain her relationships with both Sims.

One day she came to work obviously pregnant. Gobias was heartbroken.

Eventually Patience carried on a relationship with both Christopher and Gobias and had several children with each of them. Both Sims knew of her involvement with the other and coped with it in their own ways.

Due to the difficulty of caring for all of those babies I made a 'nanny' to live with Patience and Christopher. Her name was Marcie. Marcie was made as an Adult.

Gobias was eventually stuck alone with the children he had with Patience. He did his best for them and seemed to manage quite well all things considered.

Gobias's babies had to be moved out of Patience and Christopher's home to make room for the babies she was having with Christopher.

To manage so many babies with the limit of only 8 sims per household Patience had her first baby with Christopher and kept him at home with her throughout the game. Then she had five with Gobias before having more with Christopher. Gobias got his children dumped on him as they aged up to child.

All of her children with Gobias, and the first one she had with Christopher hated Patience due to her cheating ways. There was no 'No Jealousy' lifetime reward back then.

It was at this time that I saw Gobias autonomously propose marriage to Patience. She turned him down and he begged but she was firmly not going to abandon Christopher.

Then I abandoned that game. I was still learning the basics of how Sims games worked.
Over the years, Patience had had many relationships with Christopher in many different games. They raised various families, and even died of old age in one game. They were usually faithful to each other in most games. Unless Gobias happened to be in the game - then there would inevitably be trouble.
Move on a real life year or two. I wanted a badge for a sim having 15 children.

Patience had her 15 children by moving around to various houses and leaving the children behind with their fathers when she moved on. That turned out to be not the way to get the badge. But I ended up with some interesting play styles and a complex family of Sims. They stayed on my hard drive while I got on with many other different games.

Due to bugs in the Sims 3 game, I spent several simming years playing many short-lived games, always making a new household in CAS. Most of the games contained 8 unrelated young adults who gained a few skills and got up to mischief or did their own thing because I had Free Will on High and Ageing off.

All of these sims were kept. Some stored in their games and others moved to my library.

There were rarely babies or pregnancies in any of the games due to family trees habitually breaking. Master Controller fixed that for me and I was able to play families again after putting mods into my game in late 2014 or early 2015.

With these mods installed, I went back to my old save, the one with the 15 children. Some of them had aged up to Young Adult. I decided I'd play them through the generations.

As I moved them to different worlds I added old sims from my other old games. They became townies who I also played. I already knew them all and most of them had achieved a lot before I left them in their saves, or in my library. Sometimes I picked up new Sims they met along the way in different worlds. Sometimes I made new Sims. I play any household I feel like at the time. It helps to have them in many different worlds as I keep the sims in those worlds set to not ageing while they are not being played. That means I can't stay too long in any one world to keep them all at relatively similar ages. But that is all for the future of this little tale.

How do I keep my sims safe from corruption in my library? When I have a Sim I don't want to lose I 'share' them. This makes them into a Sims3Pack file that I can install via the launcher if I move to another computer or have to restart my Sims 3 folder in Documents for any reason. I have between 400 and 500 of these Sims3Pack files containing households. Many of the households are only one sim but others have eight or more.

Let me introduce my founder, Patience, and her family as they were at the start of 'My Big Game'.

Unfortunately, I can't take you back the their beginnings as that was years before I started posting on the forums in April 2012. I may have old screen shots somewhere but it is unlikely.

Here is the family as it was when I began this current phase of their story.

Initially they lived in Sunset Valley. That was in a pre-modded world for my games and before I started posting on the forums.

When I decided to try for the badge where a sim had to have 15 children I decided Patience could be the mother. She had the personality and lifetime wish to pull it off. Strangely enough though, I've never managed to fulfill that particular lifetime wish with any sim in any game.

I made a new man for her. His name was Marty. I put them into a house together and they eventually married and had five children together. Marcie moved in with them to help take care of the children as Patience was more interested in looking for another man and Marty had to go out to work.

Soon Patience located Gobias and moved in with him. Marty wasn't too happy about that and divorced her.

Patience and Gobias lived together for a while and they had five children together. That brought her total of children to 10.

In this version of the game Gobias was a witch and some of the children inherited that occult state.

I made a new man for Patience. He was a young adult - just aged up from teen. His name was Ted.

By now Patience was an adult and her eldest daughter was a teen. Patience and Marty had 4 girls and a boy.Their eldest was a girl, Helena.

When Patience came across Ted she soon seduced him and they moved in together leaving Gobias alone with his five children. He didn't have the assistance of a baby sitter or nanny.

In the meantime Marty and Marcie had become romantically involved and had a son together. They married and lived happily ever after. You will see lots of them later on as the story develops.

Now Patience and Ted lived together in a big house and the children Patience had left behind with their fathers would take it in turn to move in with her and Ted. This way I could teach them some skills. Patience had four children with Ted. Then she came across a dashing young werewolf. Christopher Steel. Of course she fell madly in love with him. This happened at around the same time teenaged Helena had fallen for Ted.

Now, Patience only ever married Marty, the first man she was involved with.

Ted avoided Helena's advances.

In the meantime Patience and Christopher became an item and Christopher moved in with her and Ted and the children.

Ted moved out.

Patience and Christopher had one son. She now had her 15 children but no badge.

Helena kept chasing Ted and when she aged up to Young Adult he allowed her to move in with him. They had two children together.

Then I had a glitch in the game due to an opportunity Helena kept getting. I found a solution to the problem but had moved on to another game by then. Helena was in the singing career.

This game sat in limbo for a few real time years and I kept wanting to take it further but didn't think Sims 3 could handle what I wanted to do with it.


Then there were mods....

Things changed and I revived my extended family with the help of Porter mod and moved them to Dragon Valley.

Here are some pictures and family trees as they were at the time I started playing them in Dragon Valley.

Household 1. Patience, Christopher and Craig
Christopher and Craig are werewolves.

Craig's Family Tree showing his parents and his half-siblings.
As you can see, there are 15 of them there and they are all of the children Patience had with Marty, Gobias, Ted and Christopher.

It is in Patience's nature to go on the prowl for new men. I haven't played her household with Christopher much but have had occasion to find her out late at night and she has always been very receptive to the advances of any male sim I happened to be playing at the time. Christopher doesn't seem to object. They are still living together although they have never married. Craig is their only child.

This is the Family Tree of Gobias
Patience is the mother of all of his five children.

This is Ted's family tree. It is a bit more complicated.
Some of Ted's children are his wife's half-siblings, although Ted and Helena are not yet married in the game.

I'll leave it here for now. Happy Simming.

10 Replies

  • Oops - I forgot Marty's family tree.

    Marty had five children with Patience and they have two grandchildren. Their eldest daughter, Helena, had two babies with Ted.

    After Patience left Marty to live with Gobias, Marty had their 5 children to raise with the help of their live in nanny, Marcie.

    During this time Marty and Marcie had a son, Mark.
  • I decided to go back as far as I can and have opened an old save that was last saved in December 2012.

    I may have older saves on another computer but will work with what I have right now.

    I may as well start at the beginning and let you see Patience close up.
    She is a Young Adult here. I have ageing turned off in this game so each one of them was aged up when I decided it was necessary. For some reason I kept Patience young.

    Patience looks like any ordinary sim. Her traits are: Flirty, Friendly, Charismatic, Great Kisser, Angler. Her Lifetime Wish: Heartbreaker.

    Patience was made a few weeks after Sims 3 was first released so she is a Base Game only sim.

    The Save file I have opened is the one I used to pick up her family and friends and transfer them to Dragon Valley when I decided to start my Big Game and use mods and Custom Content.

    In this save there were no mods or custom content used, although I did have a lot of the Expansion and Stuff Packs installed, at least up to Supernatural.

  • Patience's Home in Sunset Valley - before the move to Dragon Valley

    The household in which we find Patience is in Sunset Valley.

    I had recently purchased the Stones Throw Greenhouse venue from the store and was having fun with the glass roof pieces. Therefore the house is an 'interesting' concoction of greenhouse roof decor.

    It already has the beginnings of what has turned into my preferred build style for most of my actual game play. I build to suit what I want to do in game, not to emulate some real world architectural style. I want my sims to live in places that are functional for what I want them to do.

    This build has a roof top garden and another garden on the ground level and a third in the bottom basement. It has a wishing well and a tree of prosperity on the lot.

    This is the household in which I first learned the value of having a wishing well on the home lot. But that's another part of the story and will be explained later.

    The Sims living in this house make up the current household.

    Lucy Lions.
    Lucy is a genie. She is there to help Patience manage the family. Lucy is not related to the main family, but she goes with them to Dragon Valley as a valued close family friend.

    At this point, I was still leaving my genies blue and in default genie outfits. That all changes once we get to Dragon Valley. I like my genies and plant sims to blend and not be easily identifiable by their appearance.

    Here is Lucy as she appears prior to moving to Dragon Valley.

    Lucy's traits are: Supernatural Fan, Family Oriented, Green Thumb, Nurturing, Friendly. Her Lifetime Wish is: Alchemy Artisan


    At the very beginning of the game her name was Patience Ogalvie.

    She married Marty Hansen and changed her name.

    She didn't marry again, and I didn't worry too much about last names, so all of her many children have Marty's last name even though he is the father of only the first five.

    I did eventually change their last names to reflect who their fathers were.

    Patience has had all of her family. Here they are.
    I thought about continuing to play with her indefinitely, but decided it would be more fun and much more interesting to explore the possibilities of her offspring. Although there may be a few too many of them for me to give them all large families of their own.

    The children have mostly turned out to be confused adults. The four eldest Hansen girls have shown themselves to be particularly confused. A few of the 'original 15' have found a life partner and settled down with them. Most have not managed this and have had confused and 'interesting' lives.

    For example, one desperately wanted a baby of her own and seduced her imaginary friend with whom she had a son. When that son was a teen she finally found a life partner and has recently settled down to have a family with him.

    Another seduced one of Patience's ex partners and had children with him before marrying him.

    Another, when she aged up from teen pursued elderly men exclusively. She refused all suitable mates I introduced her to. I even married her to a perfectly acceptable sim with whom she had a baby and then, when I moved to play a different household, she ran off with another of Patience's ex partners and had several babies with him before he died of old age soon after the birth of their last child. She has subsequently settled for a younger partner and has had babies with him whilst having another fling with an attractive neighbour that produced a baby. I'm not sure exactly how many babies and toddlers are currently in her household. I must go back there to check on her one day. Several of her toddlers were mysteriously turned into fairies by some mischievous wandering fairy that got loose in Legacy Island III one day. I soon put a stop to that.

    Another girl met and married an elder from Dragon Valley. She had five children with him before he died of old age. She is now an adult widow with teenage children. Some of her babies may be young adults by now and she's out looking for another partner. Probably there'll be more babies in her future.

    Another of Patience's girls lives with another elder townie and has had two daughters with him.

    And yet another gave up on finding a suitable life partner but really wanted babies. She currently lives with a Sim she doesn't particularly like and he doesn't seem to like her much either but they do manage to produce babies together occasionally. That's about the only time they actually speak to each other is when they decide it's time for another baby.

    Yet others of her children are living happily with their one partner and are raising 'normal' families. And some seem to have decided to never have anyone special in their lives.

    After spending frustrating time trying to get this lot of sims to stick with partners I chose for them, I gave up entirely and let them have the partners they choose for themselves. I let Story Progression sort out their mess and if I allow that to happen they seem to stay with their partner after I go to play a different household. If they marry and elder and I want them to have children and the elder is female, then there is always a youth potion they can have to age down to Young Adult.

    When some of them didn't find a partner autonomously and I gave them a partner they tend to stay together but don't really behave as if they are married or life partners. They behave as if they are single sims sharing a house.

    Here's Patience

    Patience's traits are: Flirty, Friendly, Charismatic, Great Kisser, Angler. Her Lifetime Wish: Heartbreaker. Patience is a Base Game only Sim.

    Christopher Steel

    Christopher is a werewolf. The game did that to him and he was a werewolf before Patience met him in this game. He is a pre-made townie sim who came with Sunset Valley.

    Christopher's traits are: Great Kisser, Natural Cook, Daredevil, Angler, Friendly. His Lifetime Wish is: Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium.

    I know some people don't like Christopher Steel because he is so accepting of the bad behaviour of his women. However, the effect of his trait combination has been very useful for Patience and she has been happy to stick with him as a lifetime partner.

    Patience likes to have the freedom to stray wherever and whenever she chooses and still be able to go home to Christopher. She gave him a son and he seems to be content with that. In her later years Patience was often found out looking for fun after finishing work.

    By staying with Patience Christopher has allowed his child to be the only one of Patience's 15 children to grow up with both parents living happily together in the same house.

    Perhaps he was fortunate she found him when she had almost achieved her goal of having 15 babies and never came home to him pregnant with another sim's baby.

    On the other hand, she only had one child with him when she'd had four or five with each of her previous sim partners.

    Christopher is younger than Patience.


    Giles Hansen

    Giles is the son of Patience and Gobias Koffi. He is in this household temporarily. He was most likely moved into the household to get some extra skills and to celebrate his birthday. Giles has just aged up to become a young adult.

    Giles is a witch.

    His traits are: Eccentric, Bookworm, Friendly, Family Oriented, Adventurous. His Lifetime Wish: Illustrious Author.

    Giles met and married a sim from Dragon Valley. They have continue to live happily together and have had two babies.

    Craig Hansen

    Craig is a werewolf

    Craig is the son of Patience and Christopher Steel.

    Craig is the youngest of Patience's 15 children. So far he hasn't met or married anyone and has no offspring either. I do hope to find him a pretty wife soon and see them have a family together.
    Craig is currently still a child.

    His traits are: Bookworm, Easily Impressed, Friendly. He has no lifetime wish.


    Christopher and Craig

  • Marty Hansen lives at 100 Redwood Parkway.

    This is the house Marty and Patience lived in while they were married.

    Marty's Household consists of Marty, Marcie and Mark.

    Marcie Meredith

    Marcie's Family Tree

    Marcie's traits are: Lucky, Charismatic, Natural Cook, Family Oriented, Friendly. Her LTW is: Super Popular
    Marcie is a base game only sim.

    She was made within a few weeks of the Sims 3 being released. Marcie was made as an Adult to assist Patience with her babies.

    She was introduced to Marty and Patience's household when they were married and having babies quickly.

    When Patience left to live with Gobias Marty divorced her and Marcie stayed with Marty to help raise his five children Patience had left with him.

    After the children were mostly teens Marty and Marcie finally got together and had a son, Mark.

    After moving to Dragon Valley Marty and Marcie finally got married and had more children together. They seem very happy and devoted to each other.

    Marty is younger than Marcie.

    Here is Marcie leaving work at the end of her shift at Hogan's Deep Fried Diner.

    Marty Hansen

    Marty has five children and two grandchildren from Patience. He has one son with Marcie.

    Marty was made as a husband for Patience when she was about to start trying to have 15 babies to earn a badge.

    Marty's traits are: Born Salesman, Friendly, Green Thumb, Brave, Adventurous. His LTW: Alchemy Artisan

    I think he may have needed to be Brave and Adventurous to take Patience on in the first place.

    Marty just quietly gets on with life.

    Mark Meredith
    Mark is a teen.

    His traits are: Supernatural Fan, Hot Headed, Disciplined, Friendly. His LTW: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

    In Dragon Valley Mark lived a quiet life.

    He initially helped his parents when they eventually married and had a few more children together.

    After assisting with the hectic days of child rearing he decided he needed some quiet and moved to a secluded cottage away from the main part of the Dragon Valley township where he lived with his dog.

    Somewhat later, I moved them all to a large version of Sunset Valley (with the assistance of NRAAS Porter mod) and I added Maria to the world.

    Maria is another one of my base game only sims from way back. She had been made as a nanny for one of Patience's various families in a game played long ago.

    Maria had never had any role in any of my game other than as the nanny for Patience. I chose to introduce her to Mark and their pairing seems to have been one of my rare successes in matching up sims with their partners.

    Maria wanted to raise 5 babies and Mark was happy to give her all the assistance she needed to do just that. They currently live happily raising their 5 children together.
  • Gobias Home
    58 Waterlily Lane Sunset Valley
    This is the house Gobias lives in with his five children he had with Patience. Only four of them are living there at the moment because, the eldest, Giles, is currently visiting Patience. He went there to celebrate his birthday. He is now a young adult.

    That singed Sim riding his broom is Percy, another son of Gobias and Patience. He is a teen. I just found him talking to Molly French who is a vampire. I sent him home for a shower because he was singed and I didn't want him to become a ghost until after I have got a few pictures for this post.

    This is the current household for Gobias


    Gobias is a witch. This happened before Patience met him in this game.
    Gobias is a pre-made townie sim who comes with Sunset Valley.

    Gobias' traits are: Flirty, Heavy Sleeper, Angler, Friendly, Childish. His LTW: Jack of All Trades

    When a new game is first launched in Sunset Valley, Gobias is living alone in a nice house with ocean views. Unfortunately it isn't suitable for raising a large number of children without giving it some extreme, and unsuitable modifications. It loses much of it's attraction when altered for a large family.

    His original home is at 433 Sunnyside Blvd

    Gobias lives a quiet life with his family. They all seem happy together. When his children grew up and started their own careers and families and Gobias became an elder he ran into one of Patience's daughters from her marriage with Marty.

    Gobias and Haley moved in together and had several babies before he died of old age.

    I had nothing to do with this pair getting into a relationship. I thought Haley was safely married and happy with her new husband and baby son. However, when I left them alone to play a different household for a while I discovered she'd moved out.

    It took me a while to work out where she'd gone. She'd moved in with Gobias and they were living together quite happily.

    I left them together. I'd spent so much time on Haley already trying to keep her away from the elderly men. She consistently walked out on relationships I set up for her with what I thought were suitable sims to begin relationships with elders who inevitably died of old age. So when I found her with Gobias I just gave up and left them to it.

    Much later I took control of their household and decided if they were living together they may as well have a family and they had a few babies before he died of old age. He was already an elder long before she moved in with him.


    Percy is a teen who was born a witch.

    Percy's traits are: Flirty, Heavy Sleeper, Friendly, Angler. His LTW: Star News Anchor.

    Later on Percy has adventures. He meets and marries (without my assistance) a sim from Dragon Valley. She is an Adult at the time but soon becomes an elder. Percy wanted a family with her (I wanted them to have babies) so he worked at the chemistry table until he made a young again potion.

    They had a son and proved to be terrible parents. The poor child barely survived on his own at home while his parents were out enjoying themselves.

    I eventually took him away from his parents and placed him in a different household where he'd be cared for.


    Gary is a teen. Unlike his two elder brothers (Giles and Percy) he is not a witch. Gary is human.

    Gary's traits are: Adventurous, Disciplined, Genius, Friendly

    Gary becomes a wealthy sim after he ages up to Young Adult.

    He marries a fairy (who I made in CAS and have used many times in various games and posted many photos of her).

    They have at least two babies.

    I've neglected them but an anxious to see them age up as their parents have such strong features.

    My all time favourite photo of Gary's future wife is this one.

    That screenshot was taken a long time before they ever met in a game. I've posted it many times on the forums. She's testing the scary roller coaster in one of my roller coaster builds that I have in my studio.

    Fran is in my studio as well.

    In this game Gary and Fran live in a large house and have three Plum-bots as well as their own babies.



    Gloria is a human teen.

    Gloria's traits are: Family Oriented, Eccentric, Nurturing, Friendly. Her LTW: World Renowned Surgeon

    Gloria marries a sim from Dragon Valley and they have two sons. They seem to live happy quiet lives.



    Gabbi is the youngest of Gobias and Patience's five children. She is a human teen here.

    Gabbi's traits are: Excitable, Easily Impressed, Coward, Friendly. Her LTW: Master Magician

    Gabbi eventually marries a sim she meets in Dragon Valley and they have a family together. I rarely play their household and she has autonomously achieved her LTW.


    I found Gobias with three of his teenage children at Varg's Tavern. Here are a few pictures I got of them there.


    Gobias with Gabbi


    Gary was planning to do his homework here but got interrupted


    Percy was off some place else in town. I found him singed and chatting to Molly French who is a vampire. I sent him home.
  • Ted/Helena

    They live together at 9 Sun Song Ave. Their house is on the vacant lot next to the Frio household in Sunset Valley.

    This is another study in greenhouse roof decor.


    This is Ted's family tree.

    Much later I decided he needed parents and a sister so I made them for him and used Master Controller to add them to his family tree. But for now he is at the top of his family tree.

    Ted is a Sim I made in CAS.

    I had previously had him in a household of 8 random sims and he had a few skills already when I put him into the game as someone for Patience to meet and seduce.

    Since I'd had ageing turned off in that earlier game Ted was still a lot younger than Patience. He'd never had a relationship before either because I rarely allowed my sims to have families at that time.

    Ted moved in with Patience and they had four children together before Patience met up with Christopher Steel.

    Ted moved out to live on his own when Christopher moved in with Patience.

    By the time Ted was ready to move out, Helena, Patience's eldest daughter had decided Ted was the man for her and she pursued him relentlessly. This was autonomous behaviour and I let it happen.

    It surprised me at how aggressive she got in her pursuit of him and when she aged up to Young Adult she kept it up and eventually moved in with him. Helena has never considered another sim as a potential partner and Ted has never strayed from her since they finally got together as a couple.

    I left them alone in their little home and went off to play Patience's household. That was when I got a message to say they'd had a son and named him Deangelo. That is a name I'd never heard of before.

    After that I decided to go and play their household and got them to have another baby. This was a daughter, Carmel. I named her.

    Now Ted turned out to be a very responsible father and was concerned about his children who were still living with Patience. Ted felt that Patience was more interested in chasing other men than taking care of her children.

    Ted managed to get three of his children to move in with him and Helena. Of course, they were Helena's half-siblings as well as Ted's children. This makes for a complicated family tree and they sometimes appear beside Helena as her half-siblings and sometimes they appear below her in the family tree as her step-children.

    Ted and Helena turned out to be a loving couple and eventually marry. Later on they have a really big wedding in Dragon Valley. 'Everyone' is invited.

    Patience didn't seem too happy about their marriage and she (autonomously) had some stern words with Ted as soon as they'd tied the knot. I managed to get a screenshot of that.

    But this big wedding is still a long way into the future of this family.


    Helena is a young adult.

    Helena's traits are: Disciplined, Eccentric, Friendly, Family Oriented, Artistic. Her LTW: Vocal Legend.

    Helena is in the Singing Career. She is Ted's partner in life and they have two children together.

    Helena is the eldest daughter of Patience and Marty.

    Due to complications of her family relationships four of her half-siblings are also her step-children when she finally marries Ted.

    Helena was born in game and this is how the game made her. Much later I eventually took her into CAS and gave her a different hairstyle and clothes. At least Ted loves her as she is.

    She manages to complete her lifetime wish.


    Theresa is a teen.

    Theresa's traits are: Schmoozer, Bookworm, Friendly, Brave. Her LTW: Become a Creature Robot Cross Breeder.

    Notice how Theresa's family tree has extra siblings in it. This is because Ted has children with Patience and Helena, while Patience has children with Marty, Gobias, Ted and Christopher. They are all siblings or half-siblings of Theresa.


    Tammy is a teen. She was born a twin but her twin sister was killed by a meteor when they were still children.

    Their father, Ted was killed by the same meteor but had a death flower in his inventory and the Grim Reaper let him go but nothing could save little Toni.

    Tammy's traits are: Eccentric, Dislikes Children, Computer Whiz, Friendly.

    I found it interesting to see she dislikes children, yet chose to have two with one of the older townies from Sunset Valley.


    Toni was born as Tammy's twin. Unfortunately a meteor hit her when she was playing in the playground floor I had built on one of the upper levels of their house. I still don't understand how a meteor could have hit her there, although that floor had no walls, just columns. There were other floors above her though. Ted, her father, was killed with her but he had a death flower in his inventory.

    Toni's tombstone was placed in their back yard and her little ghost appeared occasionally.

    Patience made ambrosia for her but she refused to eat it and one day one of her siblings ate it and there was no death fish for Patience to make more ambrosia.

    It was middle of Winter, but Patience was desperate for her child to come back to her as a living sim child. She regularly went to the grave yard at midnight to fish for death fish but could never stay long enough to catch any.

    I decided to put a wishing well on her lot. It was indoors where Patience wouldn't be so cold. I wasn't sure if this would work but it did and Patience had her death fish in no time. She made more ambrosia.

    One night Toni's little ghost was haunting the play room where she had been hit by the meteor. I moved the plate of ambrosia onto a table on that floor. This time Toni ate it and she came back as a living child.

    While Toni had been a ghost Tammy had aged up and become a teen. Toni had missed out on a lot of her childhood skills and had to take time to learn things she needed to know.

    At this stage of the game Toni is still a child. Her twin sister is a teen.

    So, although Ted and Patience had four children together, there were only three pregnancies. I don't think Patience was totally happy with Ted. He was probably too serious as well as too young for her.


    Deangelo is the son of Ted and Helena. He is the first grandchild for Patience and Marty.

    Deangelo's traits are: Disciplined, Virtuoso, Friendly. He has no LTW as this point.



    Carmel is the daughter of Ted and Helena.

    Carmel's traits are: Bookworm, Easily Impressed, Friendly.

    I think she's the one who is married to Parker Langerak in the game now and they have a baby. This made Patience and Marty Great Grandparents. But that is much later in the game.

    A couple of extra pictures.

    Ted and Toni at the pool

    Deangelo went home alone
  • If you've read through the above posts I thank you. Writing them has helped me remember the base sims and original concept for a game I've been playing since late 2014.

    There are four of Patience and Marty's children still not accounted for in any household. This post is about that group of young adults.

    I moved them to their own household and added a few unattached sims to the household to see if any relationships developed. I meant for the introduced Sims to meet up with and become romantic interests of the four young adults I'd just moved out of Marty's place.

    Looking back on it now, I don't see how I could have hoped they'd form relationships with the sims I placed in their household.

    I'd played households made up of eight unattached young adults for a few real life years by then and romantic relationships just didn't develop in any of those households.

    The sims I placed in this household with the Hansen young adults had mostly come from those previous households of eight unattached young adults.

    The Bachelor Pad

    Needless to say, none of these monstrosities made their way into my studio. At least I was trying to work out how to use the greenhouse roof pieces.

    Here's the household.

    I'll work down from the top, which is the process I've been following so far in earlier posts of this thread.

    Fleur Flower.

    Fleur's Traits are: Charismatic, Hopeless Romantic, Party Animal, Schmoozer, Great Kisser. Fleur's LTW: Magic Makeover

    By the time I made Fleur I'd got over the habit of making all of my sims Friendly.

    Fleur is a Fairy. She was my first attempt at making a fairy and had been played in many games before I added her to this game. She'd never been in a romantic relationship before and I hoped she might become an interesting wife for Henry Hansen. I thought it would be fun if Patience and Marty had some little fairy grandchildren.

    I found Fleur alone at the Bistro.

    Until recently, I had only ever used that hair on Fleur and developed a dislike for it because it was too blue. However, I liked it on other people's sims when pictures were posted showing them off. I recently used this hair again on another sim and have been very happy with it.

    Needless to say, Fleur and Henry didn't become romantic interests. But I didn't give up on them easily. I tried really hard to get them together, but Fleur had found someone else and she wasn't going to be diverted to any other sim. I was prepared to try everything other than to remove that other sim from the household so all of my efforts were thwarted.

    Rod Black

    Rod's traits are: Adventurous, Eccentric, Handy, Charismatic, Green Thumb. Rod's LTW: Alchemy Artisan

    Rod is a Sim I had been made for one of my households of eight unrelated young adults. He had been used for skill building and to just do his own thing so I could see what Sims got up to when free will was on high and they got very little direction from me.

    I found Rod at work in the hospital where he is a Resident.

    Rod and Fleur have become romantic interests.

    I had hoped Rod would marry one of the Hansen girls. But he was devoted to Fleur and nothing could change that.

    I finally gave up on breaking up Rod and Fleur so they could become involved with one of the Hansens.

    After moving them all to Dragon Valley I allowed Rod and Fleur to marry. Then I played their household for a long time. They are devoted to each other and they are a delight to play with. They have so much fun together. I even say Rod do something I thought was impossible for a human sim to do. He actually went into the Fairy House to be with Fleur when she was inside.

    Rod is the only Sim I've ever had to be abducted by aliens and become pregnant.

    Rod and Fleur have made several little fairies together and Rod has his alien child. They are a very happy household that is full of love and fun and I'm glad the game wouldn't let me break them up at this stage.


    Walter Thompson

    Walter's traits are: Couch Potato, Neat, Bookworm, Green Thumb, Frugal. His LTW: Bottomless Nectar Cellar.

    I found Walter reading a book.

    Walter was made and placed into a household of 8 unrelated young adults to gain skills and do his own thing.

    I placed him in this household in the hope he might become attached to one of the Hansen girls.

    Nothing happened. Walter remained steadfastly unattached. Nevertheless I took him to Dragon Valley and eventually, while I was playing another household I noticed he'd married another young adult I'd subsequently placed in the game after they got to Dragon Valley. This couple have had two children together and remain happily together. I rarely play their household.

    My theory is maybe children of unrelated sims could form families with some of Patience's grandchildren or great grandchildren so I'm happy to add additional sims to the game.

    Since I have several worlds in play in my Big Game there is plenty of scope for variety. I've begun moving some of the 'original 15' to different worlds within that game. Some of them have already established families and others are still unattached.

    Earlier, I'd found Walter out in a park. This park came with the Katey Perry Sweet Treats Stuff Pack.
    I was interested to see Christopher, Craig, Patience and Lucy in the background.

    Henry Hansen

    Henry is the only son of Marty and Patience.

    Henry's Traits are: Brave, Adventurous, Gatherer, Green Thumb, Friendly. His LTW: Master Magician

    Henry quickly found a wife after the household moved to Dragon Valley. She was one of the Dragon Valley townies and they have remained happily married throughout the game. They have two sons so far.

    I have neglected Henry and rarely played his household. I have made sure his sons are skilled and that they all live in a nice comfortable house.

    Heather Hansen

    Heather is one of Marty and Patience's four daughters.

    Heather's traits are: Born Saleswoman, Disciplined, Friendly, Brave, Adventurous. Her LTW: Culinary Librarian

    Heather remained steadfastly alone. After moving to Dragon Valley she moved into her own large home. It was all set up for a family but she showed no inclination to find herself a life partner.

    Heather was very attached to her Imaginary Friend and, with some assistance from me (because I wanted to see what would happen) she seduced her IF and had a baby boy. Then Heather lived as a single mother for a really long time and raised her son, Perry, alone.

    Heather achieved her Lifetime Wish soon after becoming a Young Adult.

    Later in life, I took Heather off to live in Sunlit Tides. I made her a man and they lived together for a long time and they seemed to be good together so I let them get married and they have had babies together. Unfortunately she was almost an elder by that time so I got him to make her a Young Again potion. Her husband is a Genie named Duncan.

    Here they are together at home. Apparently Heather was walking around the house in her sleepwear. Sims do that a lot I've noticed.

    I've had a lot of fun with Heather and Duncan. They've done a lot together and have been through most of the tombs in the three World Adventures worlds too.

    Their's was one of the extremely few successful matches I've been able to make between pairs of sims in this game.

    I have found it is safest for me to leave sims alone to find their own mate or the game will break them up as soon as I go off to play another household. I leave them alone mostly to find someone for themselves.

    In Heather's case though, she showed no sign of doing that. I put them together and they stayed together while I played other households so when I played their household again I got them married and having babies after they did a lot of adventuring together.

    If Duncan had moved out or found another romantic interest while I was off playing other households I'd have left Heather as a single sim. She'd had one baby and he would have had to be her only contribution to the next generation.

    Haley Hansen

    Haley's traits are; Virtuoso, Friendly, Green Thumb, Adventurous, Genius. Her LTW: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

    Haley is the most messed up of all of Patience's children. I didn't try to make her that way. That's just how she is. In the end I left her alone and then went with the flow of what she wanted to do.

    She's a Genius and wants to have the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

    Haley seems to enjoy having, and taking care of her babies. She doesn't seem too concerned with who happens to father her many babies. Maybe she saw her mother in action for too long and inherited some of her mother's motivations.

    I did observe, however, that in this household Haley had become the girlfriend of VJ Alvi. For some reason I didn't seem to like that idea at the time and left VJ Alvi behind when I packed up the Sims to move to Dragon Valley. Maybe it was dim memories of that awful breakup that sent her so far off the rails in later life.

    After giving up on finding Haley a suitable husband, I married her to the imaginary friend turned real of her half-brother, Percy.

    She seemed happy with Bob and they had a baby boy named Harry. Harry was an imaginary friend who was born in game as a sim with the IF trait. As he grew up he was able to take on the doll form.

    This is little Harry as a toddler while Haley was still living with them.

    I found Haley autonomously rescuing the badly neglected son of Percy one day.
    This pic was taken while Haley was not being controlled by me. She rescued this little boy autonomously and I just happened to see her do it and got this picture.

    She took care of the toddler who had been left out in the snow by his parents who had gone out to have some fun together. She is a sim who does care.

    But when I thought she and Bob and Harry had a happy life together I went off to play another household and discovered she'd moved out. It took me ages to find where she'd gone and finally tracked her down to Gobias's house.

    Fortunately Bob turned out to be an excellent father and took excellent care of little Harry. Bob did eventually, after Harry became a teen, manage to find a gorgeous sim to marry and has started having more babies with her.

    Here is Bob and Kitty at their wedding.

    They are a devoted couple. Bob seems to be strongly protective of his family and takes excellent care of them.

    Bob is at the top of the Ghost Hunter career.

    Kitty preparing for her wedding with Bob.

    They have since had a baby girl together and she didn't inherit the Imaginary Friend trait.

    Kitty is another of the sims I had previously made for a household of eight random young adults. Bob was her first and only romantic relationship.

    Hannah Hansen
    The youngest child of Patience and Marty.

    Hannah's traits are: Brave, Dramatic, Bookworm, Friendly, Diva. Her LTW: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous.

    She has a romantic interest that she got all by herself. It is with Candy Ashleydale. I don't recall ever playing Candy. Maybe Hannah met her while around town at some stage. In any case Candy didn't go to Dragon Valley with them all and Hannah soon met and married a much older man in Dragon Valley and had four children with him.

    They stayed apparently happily married until he died of old age.


    The final member of the household is VJ Alvi. He is a townie sim from Sunset Valley.

    For some reason I decided not to take him to Dragon Valley.

    VJ Alvi's traits are; Inappropriate, Evil, Childish, Snob. His LTW: He had none at this stage.

    He was still a teen.

    I found VJ Alvi playing with Hannah.

    Hannah had just aged up from being a teen herself.

    VJ Alvi was shown as being the boyfriend of Haley. Maybe these relationships had been established while they were all teens and VJ Alvi just hadn't aged up yet. In any case, like Candy Ashleydale, he got left behind and played no further role in the game.


    So now you've met all of the main players that I took to Dragon Valley.

    The only two I can think of that I took there and haven't mentioned yet are two homeless sims who I grabbed because I thought they'd add interest and variety to the game. They are Artie Page and Gage Briody.
  • Patience and her family and their closest friends arrived in Dragon Valley together one day.

    Porter mod distributed them around the world and placed them in generally unsuitable housing.

    I moved a few of them into suitable homes I found empty in that world, and added a few of my own builds to some of the empty lots around the world and moved others of them in there.

    Marty and Marcie were difficult to place and in the end I made a house specially for them.

    Ted's household ended up in a version of my Lifestyle Lodge. This is a build I have in my studio and is available for download. It is CC free - built and added to the exchange before I had downloaded any custom content.

    Lifestyle Lodge:

    They lived next door to the mixed group of young adults recently moved from their bachelor house in Sunset Valley. This group lived in a version of my Magical Brown House. The Magical Brown House is also available for download from my studio.

    Magical Brown House:

    Heather Hansen soon moved out of this Magical Brown House, autonomously, to live alone in The Villa Pariso which I placed in the world. It is available from the Sims 3 Store. Heather had a job in the culinary career and could be seen regularly going to and from work.

    This is Heather walking out on one of her day's off from work. You can see her house behind her (with the palm trees). This house didn't really look like it belonged in Dragon Valley but it was an interesting place for Heather to live.

    In this picture you can see another version of my Lifestyle Lodge build. Patience lives in that one with Christopher and the two little boys, Tom and Craig.

    As you can see many of the family live close to one another in the four houses so far described. Other have become scattered throughout Dragon Valley and need to be tracked down.

  • Marty and Marcie's Story

    Marty, Marcie and Mark moved into a vacant lot and I built a house for them.

    This house will not be in my studio because I built it after I started adding CC and mods to my game.

    Mark was still a teen and he had a difficult time adjusting to his new life in Dragon Valley. Consequently he spent many evenings having Time Out in a corner that be soon got to know very well.

    Marty and Marcie are a very loving couple and made much use of their Fixer Upper Car that they restored together soon after arriving in Dragon Valley. Consequently it wasn't long before they added twin girls to the family.

    The girls were named Matilda and Muriel.

    The little girls took a long while before they met their five, much older half siblings; the now young adult children their father, Marty, had from his first marriage to Patience. As a matter of fact, the babies were born when their niece and nephew were already children.

    Mark turned out to be a very caring and attentive big brother and helped raise his little sisters. This was fortunate due to Marty and Marcie's propensity to spend as much time as possible autonomously having fun together in their restored Fixer Upper Car.

    Soon it was time for Mark to age up to young adult.

    Mark and Marty enjoying cake

    Graduation day arrived and the whole family went to his graduation together.

    Arrival at City Hall

    On the way home they got split up and Marty caught a taxi alone.

    At home again after the graduation ceremony Mark holds Matilda.

    Marty teaches Muriel to walk.

    Marcie rocks Muriel

    Marty and Marcie continued to enjoy their Fixer Upper car.

    While supervising and recording the details of the life of Marty's family, I saw the announcement of the impending marriage of Marty's eldest son, Henry to Siobahn Murphy.

    At this stage, I had no idea who Siobahn Murphy was. She was apparently a local Dragon Valley sim who Henry had met and decided to marry. I was busy with Marty and Marcie so decided to let Henry and Siobahn get on with their lives for now.

    They have a large basement garden and Marty and Marcie had a private wedding next to their red tractor.

    Toddler training continues for some time (as it generally does)

    With all of that activity going on in the Fixer Upper Car, it wasn't long before Marty and Marcie extended their family further with the arrival of twin boys. Matt and Miles.

    At this point I was allowing the game to hyphenate family names of sims when they married. I soon discovered I could't edit those long names and decided to do the traditional thing and have the wife take the husband's name and rename their children accordingly.

    Then it was time for the girls to become children.

    First it was Muriel's turn to blow out her birthday candles...

    ....and age up

    Then it was Matilda's turn

    A few extra pictures of this little family

    One day, after school, Matilda visited Patience's house where she met Captian, Patience's pet dog.

    Baby Miles enjoying a swing

    Mark at the fair

    Time to leave this little family and tend to another needy household.

    I have ageing turned on for the town and the time for each life stage is set to the maximum possible without using a mod to extend it further. The babies will age up after 10 days and then they will be toddlers for 150 days. I plan to be back here before the baby boys age up to be children.

    Next chapter will be another of Marty and Patience's children who has gone and found herself a husband without my assistance. Henry and Siobahn will need to get along together alone as it is quite a long time before I manage to make sure they are doing ok in their new life together.

    Part of the fun of this game is what happens while I'm not controlling them. That's why I have so many households in play that I only control occasionally. This allows unexpected things to happen as it does in real life.
  • I am using this thread to assist me with my current episode of Oscar and Louise - Oscar's Childhood.

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