Forum Discussion

IreneSwift's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
6 years ago

Residents' Outfits

Is it possible for inactive sims' outfits to be changed in the game without them aging up? One of the residents in the world I'm currently playing has completely different (ugly) outfits than he started out with. I thought he had aged up, but he hasn't. In all the years I've been playing this game I've never seen that happen.
  • Is it actually your sim? Could it be a clone? Perhaps you should check if there is another version of your sim in town.
  • That kind of mistake has been known to cause no end of grief and heartache at weddings when the "wrong" similar looking sibling is ordered under the wedding arch by the player to exchange vows with someone they would prefer not to. Not that I would know this by experience, of course, the worst thing I ever did was invite the "wrong" sim to a party and then wonder why they didn't seem to know anyone very well or be having a very good time. ;)
  • IreneSwift's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    No, I didn't even look at his career outfit. He's in the sports career, so those outfits aren't subject to the whims of the game. The outfit he had on when I saw him and took him into Stylist with NRaas MC was his outerwear. But this is a world I made and populated myself, so I know what he was supposed to be wearing. I even checked the world starter save where I'd added the residents to prepare it for whatever games I will start in it. Every last one of his outfits in the current game was different than he started with.
  • IreneSwift's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    No, it's not my sim, he's one of the residents I made to populate the town. But that's a good point about checking to see if he's a clone. So I did, and he isn't. But once I finished populating the world starter save, I removed all of the resident households from the library. I also have immigration disabled with NRaas Story Progression, and I think that would prevent clones from appearing anyway, wouldn't it?

    I thought about the salon, that maybe he could have had a makeover. But when I've had my active sims get a makeover, the new outfit never replaced the original, it was always added as an extra. Could it be different if an inactive sim goes to the salon? But it seems unlikely that he'd get all of his outfits replaced, even if he did get a makeover at the salon, and he doesn't have any of his original outfits.
  • Do you have dresser mod installed? It adds accessories and such to sims when it starts up.i have to go in and turn the settings off.
  • IreneSwift's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Well, I finally figured it out. It was my own mistake. The sim in question belongs to a household of two brothers, a young adult and a teen, at the beginning. I made the younger brother by cloning the older brother and aging him down, so they look exactly alike. I tend to forget which name belongs to who, since I don't actually play them, or see them around the town as much as some of the other residents. I thought that sim was the older brother, but he wasn't, he was the younger brother, who had aged up.
  • @igazor Only recently one of my simmer friends made the mistake of sending her sim to kiss the wrong sim and I thought that was funny but sending the wrong sim to the wedding arch would have me rolling around laughing for days! :D
  • IreneSwift's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    LOL! At least I didn't make the poor guy do anything he didn't want to!