Forum Discussion

ashubii's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 years ago

No CC Decades Outfits

I'm not sure if there's a thread like this already, sorry if so! I'm not on the forums much anymore.
Anyway! As a big lover of the Decades Challenge, I've always wondered if it'd be possible to do the challenge with no CC whatsoever. I think it is, although I also think it'd be very difficult. I've decided to make a project out of trying to create outfits for the Decades without using any CC.

I've mostly focused on Teen/YA+ Feminine outfits because I just find them easier. Once I finish I might go back and do Masculine & Children outfits, as well as wedding looks.

Also, I welcome any other outfits or ideas anyone has and wants to share!

It has to be said, but I'm no expert on historical fashion. I try to do research but since I'm relying on just what we have without CC, these aren't going to be very accurate.


Yes, I know this encompasses like... three whole decades. However, lumping these together was the easiest for me lol. I think these decades are the absolute most difficult to accomplish without CC. They're not perfect, but I did my best! Also, I skipped a few outfit categories for this but later one I'll do an outfit for each.

Thankfully Get Famous blesses us with some lovely gowns that work pretty well for this period. Also, that classic Gibson Girl hairstyle! In one of these decades (I forget which, but maybe all three?) men's fashion began to influence women's a bit. I tried to represent that a little with the third outfit.

This second Formal outfit is a bit inappropriate for the time period for several reasons:
1. Too lowcut.
2. The open sides.
3. The transparency around the midriff.

However, I think the overall length and style kind of works for that Edwardian evening wear.

For sleep outfits, I just wanted a simple white nightshift or nightgown. The first one is actually the graduation gown from Discover University, but I think it's probably my favorite for a modest sleeping gown :)