Forum Discussion

permanentrose53's avatar
4 years ago

Rotational play within one sims world?

There might already be a topic like this I apologize if I missed it. So I am playing TS3 again for the first time in several years, and even back when I did play it more often, I honestly didn’t know much about the game and it’s full extent of features.

So the other day, I was editing my town and realized that you can technically switch to another household and make that your active household. So I know it’s not like TS4 where you can have multiple active households at once, but if you continually switch your active households and turn off aging and story progression, will this allow for a similar rotational play effect that is present in TS4?
  • That will work to an extent, until the game decides to mess around with the sims while they are not active, move them around, change their life partner status, remove them from the game entirely, etc. In theory, EA's story progression is not supposed to bother sims who have already been actively played, but many to most players find that isn't really the case and the game itself is known to do these things even with story progression not selected in Game Options.

    Hence the popularity of modded forms of story progression -- the two choices are NRaas and AwesomeMod. They each, in different ways, provide ways to protect "our" sims from various forms of progression and game interference while we are rotating through different households. Here is what the NRaas solution looks like, it does take some work to set up and there will be a learning curve for those not already familiar with the mod:

    I use this method (no big surprise there, I am sure) and typically play anywhere from 2 to 10 of "my" households in rotation within each world while the remainder are left to progress or not as they wish, under the other confines of the SP mod.
  • "igazor;c-17756100" wrote:
    That will work to an extent, until the game decides to mess around with the sims while they are not active, move them around, change their life partner status, remove them from the game entirely, etc. In theory, EA's story progression is not supposed to bother sims who have already been actively played, but many to most players find that isn't really the case and the game itself is known to do these things even with story progression not selected in Game Options.

    Hence the popularity of modded forms of story progression -- the two choices are NRaas and AwesomeMod. They each, in different ways, provide ways to protect "our" sims from various forms of progression and game interference while we are rotating through different households. Here is what the NRaas solution looks like, it does take some work to set up and there will be a learning curve for those not already familiar with the mod:

    I use this method (no big surprise there, I am sure) and typically play anywhere from 2 to 10 of "my" households in rotation within each world while the remainder are left to progress or not as they wish, under the other confines of the SP mod.

    I play with EA story progression off almost all the time- the game DOES NOT change the inactive sim partner, marital / romantic relationship status, babies, house, deaths or job. The only exception is for unemployed / retired sims - they can be assigned to any job by the game while the household not played.
  • So basically I will need a mod unless I'm okay with tempting fate and letting some random stuff happen to my households when I'm not playin them? I may risk it, the game is already so unstable on my mac that I don't really want to add any CC. Thanks for your responses!