The latest on my Heritage family. Gem cutting turns out to be a real money maker. Saved up enough lifetime points to buy the collection helper and Ana spends a lot of time collecting gems. She then cuts them in the gem cutter and makes quite a lot of money.
The 3 sisters - Bramble (human) and Balinda (witch), are now teens and Buttercup(human) is a child. The title of heir is between Bramble and Balinda. Buttercup has undesirable traits and no one has really bonded with her. I guess thats the price to pay for being last born and not a lot of time spent with her.
Bramble from early childhood has worked on discovering new potions. As a teen she finally discovered the imaginary friend potion. Bramble and Balinda have both used the potion on their IF and they are now both going steady with their IF in human form. With the lack of friends and townies, these will be their spouses. I'll turn Buttercup's IF to a human and spouse as well and when they are adults I'll move them out into a house.
So, who should the heir be? Bramble, first born - she has Genius, photographer and...? (can't remember). Balinda 2nd born is Athletic and Brave and ?(can't remember) Ugh. why can't I ever remember all their traits? Anyway, their traits are always rolled randomly. Plus, not being in school I am unable to roll traits anyway.
Here are screenshots since the last time I posted:
Adam... aged to Adult is always checking for wrinkles in the mirror!
Adam... setting fire to his invention workbench
The 3 sisters- second generation. From right to left, Bramble, Balinda and Buttercup
Imaginary friends: