enkeli63 wrote:
I'm probably missing something obvious and will feel silly for asking... but how do you find the family's Net Worth?? I can certainly determine the furnished value of the lot whenever I go into build/buy mode, but I can't see anything that shows their net worth.
I'd like to add some of my thoughts regarding the Challenge--which I'm really enjoying and I'm so glad you did this!
Sims don't earn lifetime happiness points until they move into the active household. I think the early wishes fulfilled prior to the birth of the next generation should count--it makes it much easier to keep track of the lifetime happiness scores. For instance, wishes like pregnancy cravings and reading pregnancy books... I have no idea how many little wishes I fulfilled before the first baby was born, but I do know my founder's wife only started getting points after she became part of the household. I believe the players should be rewarded by fulfilling the wishes for active household members--at least those who will be part of the Legacy bloodline. (I can see not counting points earned by spares and their spouses, even if those sims live in the active household.)
A lot of people developed quick money making techniques for TS2 Legacies--a specific example involves purchasing and reselling the dream catcher wall hangings to wrack up as much as §350,000 in a couple of days. I never bothered with such techniques, but it wasn't against any rules in the past. Abuse that goes against the spirit of the challenge? Perhaps. However, if the player is simply smart, I certainly wouldn't fault them at all!!
I think the Klepto trait should be allowed. Yes, the player can earn bonus cash that way, but think about how some of the other traits help. The Hopeless Romantic sims can be happily married by the end of day one, and get a couple thousand §§§ or more from that, yet they're not penalized for using the beneficial trait they selected.
Alternatively, I think if one wants to play by the Family Trait option, that should make it slightly harder. What I imagine would be having to randomize the traits of all offspring and ONLY being able to have an eligible heir if the Family Trait is rolled! Choosing that optional rule would then make it much more challenging to play by, and should also be worth a bonus 100 points or something.
I don't think sims can die of fright anymore. Part of the challenge for me was keeping my Legacy sims alive with all those ghosts around! Now we don't have to keep the graves if we don't want to, which is cool... BUT how about bonus points for the family graveyard--especially since there are some special grave markers that can be earned.
I don't think you've mentioned anything about how the lifetime wish for future generation sims should be chosen. Do we have to pick the first one that pops up, or can we wait around for another one we like? This issue alone could make the challenge quite challenging :P
Since there are bonuses for family portraits, what about family members writing their autobiography? Sure that should be worth some points, especially since it takes a lot of work and effort to get to the point where a sim can write an autobiography...
All the various bonus points from the original Legacy Challenge is part of what made it fun beyond the first few weeks of struggling to get the necessities out of life. :wink: Plus NPCs in this game have the potential to pass on hidden traits. There was a bonus for marrying service sims in the past. To me, hidden traits are an exciting addition to this game and I'll be personally rewarded by experiencing them, but I do think they should be worth some bonus points too.
When you marry/move-in a spouse, they can start earning aspiration points twords their 100K goal right away, even before giving birth to the next generation. Its that they cannot earn Legacy points until they bring in the next generation.
The Klepto trait IS allowed. You just aren't allowed to liquidate their handiwork. The spirit of the Kleptomanaic is that they keep around all the stuff that they pinch. Most players just cash in their ill gotten goods. Because that single trait had the potential to generate so much money, having or lacking that trait could make a huge difference in your net worth. No other trait has such a strong impact.
I *really* *really* wanted to do biography/Autobiography requirements on top of the portrait points for this challenge. Unfortunately, Biographies are not a normal book type, you can ONLY write then when you get a specific opportunity. Even when you do get that opportunity, the opportunity tells you who you are going to write about. You then have to rely on luck to get 3 such opportunities before you unlock the ability to write an autobiography. Too many variables to make it part of a scoring requirement...sad to say.
I may add in some aspects about ghosts and grave markers later on... additional testing is needed to refine that.
Regarding questions from a few other players.
Partnerships/Ownerships are allowed. The purchase price of the partner/ownership is not included in your net worth points, however the income it generates does. If you buy those deeds early enough, they could more than pay for themselves over the length of the Legacy Challenge.
@enkeli63: The Net worth is obtained by combining the "Furnished Value" of the home with the family's cash on hand.
The spouses of spares or "splinter spouses" are technically allowed to earn points for the family once they've brought in a next generation. If you have the room and patience to handle a splinter family within the house, more power to you.