Bcfn24 wrote:
I have a question about the rules. My founder had twins, and I wanted to know how twins factor into the heir/heiress? Does it matter which one is the heir (assuming one would be a spare)? Thanks, and I am enjoying playing the legacy.
No it does not matter. As pinstar stated earlier your choose the heir. You do not have to choose til you they are YA for all he cares. But you need to decide before they start bringing in possible heirs.
Are you allowed to move your founder or heir out once they have a baby that you make the heir? Or do you have to wait for them to die?
No your founder and heir has to live in the same house. From the top of your legacy to the bottom the original founder and the 10th generation heir have to live on the same exact lot.
For example. I will have my founder get married and have two kids. Pick the heir when they become YA. Then move out the "spare" kid. (Some ppl keep the spare kid). Then the heir married and has a baby. Now it's founder, spouse, heir, spouse and kid.