Hi all! I've just started my legacy in TS4 (first baby on the way!) and I could use some help.
I'm planning on having a pretty straight-forward family tree, mostly to challenge myself, since I usually end up with about five children and at least four different parents between them. My founder and primary spouse will have two children, one heir and one spare. Those children will both marry and have one child each. Basically, I'll have one heir branch and one cadet branch within my Legacy Household, with only one child per branch and generation, unless my heir were to give birth to a boy (strict matriarchy).
A few generations down the line, when my heir and cadet are no longer related to each other, I'd like to bring the two branches together again, a la Romeo and Juliet. But I don't know if that's allowed, or if the heir's primary spouse always has to be a townie. I wouldn't have more or less control over the cadet's traits than I would a townie's, but I would know the cadet's traits before they got involved with my heir, which is what the townie rule is meant to prevent. Anyone who knows whether having a sim from the cadet branch as primary spouse is Legacy legal or not? If there aren't any formal rules about this, any ideas or input would be appreciated :)