Ahh, weddings in the park, a great opportunity to spy on the town!
BRANCH!!! Oh, you inappropriate weirdo! I was a little worried that Branch's disaster of a marriage might have put him off weddings, but I'm so glad to see he's still able to enjoy himself and break all the rules with zero repercussions at these solemn events. Good job, Branch, you're always my favorite!
YAY! Victor! And his adorable, adorable Oakley! Victor is also my favorite and I can't wait to see what little Val does.
Preacher is there! My favorite "villain"/failed fairy! Remember when he and Church were a thing? Ah, strange days those were. I wonder how Alfred is?
And my favorite couple, Teddy and Adan! They need more nooboos, I think, look how cute they are.
Great wedding!