@ergo_slum Yes it sure is my favorite to have weddings or parties so that we can spy?? on their others!
I know BRANCH!!! ? He comes into his weirdo element most, when he is just being spied on!
Oh no, not at all! He still looooves weddings and parties, and if he's not invited he will crash it! hahaha I know! I still have no clue how he gets those inappropriate thoughts of pink hearts for teens, when it's not allowed? Maybe Youngman isn't the only Sim who can break or find a loophole, or glitch?
:) Victor is also my favorite too! I always love it when I see him! yeah right now Val just passes along the special tone/vibration that let's the one who hears it experience bliss and unconditional love. I need to get him aged up so he is closer in age to Reverie, then when they are teens, they can find out that together with Alfred, they have something special. Alfred is still being tutored by Alfie, and in love with Joy <3
Yes Preacher! I invited him to see if he & Chruch would say hi. it does say that they are still friends. He's been hiding from where ever I am! ? I haven't seen him about town! I have been thinking about him and what part in the town he can play now~~ I just have to keep him, as he has showed what I consider unique reactions to events, from the regular old more main streamed sims.
Also in the back of my head I'm always scared my game will go fubar and I will lose the homeless kids & teen sims that I already like!? I mean what if I had to start the town anew, they would be lost, because the game added them way later on! I wish there was a way to add them to my library, but I only know how to add homeless to the bin, and that doesn't capture their 'essence'....so maybe Preacher can start up an orphanage or something? ??? I dunno!
Yes Adan & Teddy are coming up soon because their son Amir needs to age up with that little homeless girl, Nicole, that he is always hanging around with. they seemed to be bff's already, the last time we looked. BTW, She has an entire family that is homeless! They are the Spring Kissing booth couple, Marcus and Fara, who wears the flower crown similar to Lani's.
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked the wedding! :)