Hahaha, ok, then maybe it is up to AlexaKry what they are brooding about. ;)
Hmm, well, about what I refer to as "The Deity".. I suppose the reasons for not wanting to give it a name are a few.. but to me, it is not really something that can be personified... ah, I don't know, its all very "out there".. :P Everyone can call it what they want for themselves..God, Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Alpha, Omega or The Flying Spaghetti Monster for all I care... :P But to me, they are all just names given to the same thing or things... :P
389 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Collaborating with Aiden ~~
Hehehe, don't mind me, I'm just gonna stand here awkwardly to think about double beds while you are in the bathtub.. :P
Well, give Ziggy some time, he is only a teenager.. then he might use that scary L word eventually.. :P
Hehe, maybe Nicole is a good kisser than.. hmm, I would watch how she handles that fork to see if she's got mouth skills.. oh! What am I saying!? :P
Oh, Teddy is really neurotic.. I don't think burglars will steal toddlers here...
Oh yeah, Cherish, I had forgotten about her for a while, hehe, hmm, yeah, what is she really about? :p
Ah, Nicoles mother has the usual cute hair with the.. flowers in her hair. :P
Mmm, mmm, spizzy! ;)
390 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Collaborating with Aiden 2 ~~
..but witches might steal babies, apparently. Hmm..
"Just go with the flow, Dear. Watcher will get tired of this very soon, and release us!" <-- Oh, your poor sims..
Hmm, well Cherish is happy to see Teddy... and she follows him, oh no she is scary.. ah, well not so much, because she changes her mind to Leif...
Ah, you are so kind to release the kissing booth captives.. ;)
391 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Detective Aiden's notes ~~
Hahah, what in tarnation is that at the chicken coop? It must be something from the badlands of Mississippi...;)
Haha,oh wow, the rooster even fights! Now that's an aggressive little bugger!
Hehe, I like Violets cheering reactions, but so far not to much info on Cherish.. :P
She even appears to be good at the end... hmm..