@DivaDoodle Oh, no worries, I think we were both posting at the same time, so you couldn't have seen it.
Hmm, I'm not to good with figuring out facial features and which ones look similar to what, but she has her fathers hair colour, so maybe it did help.. but seriously, I wouldn't know who was whose parents unless you told me! :P
Hmm, maybe I will get the chicken coop from the store if it is not to pricey (I do have some spare simpoints..) It looks like an interesting item.
392 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Home Sweet Home! ~~
You.. heeey, you got the toddler sitting on the toilet? How did you do that?
Haha, your teens are so weird calling everything research. ;)
Yeah, Teddy is a coward, fainting at a ghost story.. what if he saw a real ghost? :P It must be exhausting to be so afraid of everything..
Oh yeah, a music box might just do the trick.. ;)
Ooops, toddler Kaila just escaped the crib! Not to surprising, leave a toddler alone and they can do the strangest things... or so I've heard.. :P
Ah, hmm, Cherish is having a good day.. so, she is a little unstable? :P
Oh wow, the wallpaper in the bedroom where Ziggy and Teddy is sleeping.. it's like chocolate cake.. Those walls look totally edible! :P