@ergo_slum OMG I was so glad to see that Bwitch go! I never knew how to do it without making Leif sad, until all that happened! Maybe Sian inappropriately kissing him, as much as he disliked it, helped to pave the way? and Wow, when saw that Pop-up to ask to move in and option to ask him to break up in Shanti's friend talk, that whole thing was Surreal! that was one of my most fun days of surprises!
Yes that was fast even for my crazy town, to see the like and attraction develop so fast! my head is still spinning!
BaHaha now I love Leif even more, that he figured out a loophole in my rules, I wonder if he talked to Youngman about breaking mods! LOL I do love the odd Glitches in my game, gotta tell ya!
I hope the baby will be cute, they both have kinda big noses hahahaha!