@DivaDoodle Oh, the symptoms have been a bit varied.. the first day was the worst, second day was a little better and third day (yesterday) I got very tired and mostly just wanted to sleep... hopefully today will be better.. thanks for your hugs and advice, especially the remembering to drink fluids probably helped me some, because I could easily forget to drink, but since I read your post yesterday (sorry I was to tired to respond) I did remember to drink water! :P
Well, it is fascinating, so they do decided their gender preference when they are teenagers? But it is interesting sometimes how I think I can see that they bond closely to one sim (of the opposite gender) when they are children already, and I think.."Hmm..?", but try to leave it in the open, wait and see, because I want them to decide for themselves..
Haha, oh, yeah, the animal world (as well as the human and sim world of course..) is very fascinating. ;) You mentioning of all this makes me think of David Attenborough... and bonobos! :P
409 The Watcher Watches: Leif & Rico's House ~~ Baby Erik Arrives! ~~
Well, it's good that everything is peaceful on the western front, atleast....
Oh, the parallells, but waking up to a new life being born isn't the worst of all things!
Yes, Shanti is a very cute sim!
Your sims are always so romantic, how do you do it? ;)
410 The Watcher Watches: Angel House ~~ Bastian ~~
Hehe, of course the teenager would run away to see the girl that he likes. ;)
But oh no.. Hanae does not approve?
Oh, oops, Joe also likes Mary... and Hanae is now angry with Mary, but.. Mary is only a teenager.. she still needs to learn.. but probably should also be told what is appropriate and not.. :P
Oh, well good that Bastian and Joe could sort it out.. :P
Hehe, Mary doesn't look at either of the boys when she leaves the bathroom, your sims are pretty funny. ;)
Bastian is the one cover up Iliya, good boy. ;)
Mm, sweet dreams. ;)
I enjoyed the last update, it was funny because they actually created a bit of drama, but it also got resolved, atleast partially. Of course, both Bastian and Joe will still be interested in Mary, so I will be curious to see how they are going to deal with that? :P