@DivaDoodle I'm being slow with the replies again, but the last week has been very intensive with work again!
Ah, thanks for the explanation of non sequitur, so it is illogical, or "does not follow". I get a bit thrown off and start pondering when I see these strange words. :P
Hehe, I actually have built a few churches in my game.. one might even think that I am religious, but I have never seen myself as such.. ew, maybe I am more religious than what I think! Disgusting! Well, my biggest gripe with religion is mostly to do with authority.. I have never liked being told what to do, and how to live my life.. I have no issue with spirituality, but to think that I would need
commandments to know what is right or wrong is an insult! :P
And with now shared molecules who knows what can happen, they could donate a kidney to the other, if needed.
Hahaha, yeah, why not? Spread the love, share the love, be the love, share a kidney! :P
Hehe, mhhm, yes, party animals are among my favorites! ;)
382 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Love comes in all shapes and sizes and flavors. ~~ Oh boy, do astronauts really have to get up to work at 00:30? And I thought I had to get up painfully early.. (Sometimes I get up at 4 in the morning to go to work.. no wonder I am so tired!)
Nah, they're not getting up early to go to work, they're doing it to woohoo! Of course! :P
Haha, kids! ;) So cute and innocent! When daddy farting is a huge secret! Lucky kids, they don't know much about the world...
That being said, outer space has always been deeply fascinating.. I never dreamt about being an astronaut directly as a kid, though, because the most interesting of stuff is found where no human can travel... ;)
If it wasn't so darned difficult, I could have been an astrophysicist! :P
Hehe, teenagers in love. Yeah, its not easy to figure out of course, perhaps almost as difficult as the mysteries of outer space! ;)
383 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Countess & Timon's son Thor ages up. ~~ Haha, so weird that astronauts only work one day a week. I wonder where is the logic..? :P Perfect family job, not at all traveling into outer space and being away for months! ;)
* edit: Comment was posted to early, I only meant to hit the preview button here.
Hehe, those toddlers are really cute of course. I like the sandbox playing.
Haha, Anelise looks like she could need some experience with babies! ;) But it can be a bit unnerving to hold one if you have never done so before... it feels like such a great thing, this tiny living thing, so helpless and fragile..
..and then they put the baby on the floor! This game really needs an animation of just handing a baby over from one person to the other!
Countess happy face is very cute!
Oh the baby, I mean, Thor, became a fairy.. and a vampire! Fascinating. No sign of being a fariy before aging up? Usually they would have this sound and some sparkles around them... :P
I suppose it is the hair that tells you he is a Helmquist? A really cute baby!
384 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Someone Wicked ~~ Uh oh, something wicked this way comes...
Well, Adan and Teddy knows that they look good, so why not take every opportunity to show off their bodies? Wearing only undies in the park? No problem! :P
Oh, the witches in your game are a lot more dangerous than in mine! ;) Starting large fires and stuff..
"Terek, in all the world, there are thousands of topics we can talk about! Can we please not talk about your love theories?" says Amir.
Hahaha, good boy, Amir! ;) There will be plenty of time for him too, probably, to worry about these matters once he gets older! :P
Oh yeah, straight from talking about love, and onto death.. older brothers, what are they for? ;)
Oh, Timon and Anelise are brooding... Hmm, the brooding trait is a bit of an odd one, because of the tendency to just randomly sit down and brood.. :P About black crows and heartbreak...
Hmm, Cherish probably shouldn't be flirting with other men, but I guess Leif won't have to worry to much, as long as she only flirts with the gay ones... hmm, its a bit of a grey area...
Ok, thats a litte to persistant... Now I think Cherish should lay off, come on, scoot! :P I forgot she was a witch, that doesn't make it any better...
Hehe, Fiona is a clever kid! ;)
385 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ SPYING (and overuse of emoji's) haha ~~ Cherish has pretty eyes, but pretty eyes can sometimes be the most dangerous.. :P
Oh, come on, don't zoom in on her face so much! Tell me, are you doing her bidding for her? ;)
Hmm. I can't help but notice, you are constantly spelling.. Lief? And not Leif? I thought it was only a typo at first? Did he change his name?
Oh, what a cool room for Amir! ;) If that kid doesn't end up being an austronaut... :P
Oh, it might be a sing there, that Ziggy didn't choose the sleeping bag.. but anyway, a bed is always better, of course! :P
Oh, Cherish has lost all interest in Leif/Lief? Ouch...
Is that what you are doing Tamijo, I mean Rico?
Haha, found him! :P
Oh, Cherish was the one behind the frog spell.. hmm, she's not quite good, no... wouldn't trust that one!
When Rico comes home I see someone woohooing... oh, of course it's Leif and Cherish..
Scary dreams she's been having.. hmm... better watch that one..
386 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Amir & Nicole birthdays ~~ Amir is a smart boy! ;)
And a handsome teen, if I do say so myself! :P
Oh, Teddy has a midlife crisis? Poor him?
Haha, so Adan and Teddy is now going to keep their eyes on Cherish. Hmm, who is better at the job, astronauts or an actual detective? ;)
Ah, who are the parents of Nicole? She has a cute look like the Church Lady, or maybe it is Belinda? She does not have Church Ladys hair colour, but she does not have Belindas mouth either (I think Belinda had a tiny mouth?)
Huh? The oscu-what? :P
Hahaha, "do you want me to take scientific readings?" From a heartbeat! I don't think it can get much
nerdier than that! ;)
Yeah, calling it a scientific experiment is probably a good excuse to kiss.. :P
But I still don't know what an osculation is! :P
387 The Watcher Watches: Adan & Teddy ~~ Detecting! ~~ ''OK Adan, you look through the windows and I'll look through the trash!" says Teddy. <-- Haha, that's a good way to divide the tasks! ;)
Yeah, so Adan can just walk in the door and cuddle the toddler, while Teddy has to root through the trash! :P
Hahaha, and he even makes sure to examine the bubble bath! ;) Yup, its obvious who gets the
poop job here! :P
Adan, you b****rd! :D
We could call in the army, for added help? Or should we see if Aiden has been hired and collaborate with him?"
The army? A little overkill perhaps? :P Or is it that serious? :P
""Oh I am? That's good to hear! I was worried I might look a mess with my hair all mussed up with trash."" <-- Not to mention smelly...
Adan is still kissing him, though.. and woohoo.. I am only surprised he's not asking him to take a shower! ;)
Or maybe Adan likes the smell of garbage...
Ah, good jobs babysitting of the teenagers, and of course Ziggy is there now, not to surprising I guess. :P
The parents might be surprised to find another house guest. Watcher was! haha I gather their date went very well and I suspect more scientific research may have been involved!?
Such as...? ;)
Hehe, oh, interesting updates! Now I am curiuous about that Cherish... hmm, she doesn't seem very good.. there always has to be some witch to ruin the peace...:P