5 years ago
WCIF Family homes with little to no CC + few EP/SP content
As the title says, do you guys have any recs for big houses with little to zero CC? And also that doesn't use a lot of EPs and SPs? Or a website where you can "filter" to find such houses?
Most of the ones I've found either have TONS of CC or use every single EP and SP, which I don't have. I'm asking because I've had a pretty horrible experience with bad CC and I don't want to go through that again lol
If that helps, I'm more into modern houses but I'll literally take anything at this point :D And by big/family home, I mean at least 3-4 bedrooms
Thanks in advance!
Most of the ones I've found either have TONS of CC or use every single EP and SP, which I don't have. I'm asking because I've had a pretty horrible experience with bad CC and I don't want to go through that again lol
If that helps, I'm more into modern houses but I'll literally take anything at this point :D And by big/family home, I mean at least 3-4 bedrooms
Thanks in advance!