krimsonnox wrote:
I just love that you are doing this i recently rediscoverd loveing wrestling again after a few years too. I pretty much stopped after that benoit thing and came back just in time to see the beef tween taker and HHH.
I would love to see both those guys, and Kevin Nash ( you didnt say WCW but didnt he show up on the WWE roster at somepoint) , Ediie Guerro would be cool.
I especially want KANE and no other mwahahahaha he's my bald baby. Because obviously we dont have a mask. Oh Lita was my fovorite diva, besides Chyna..who wasn't a diva really. man i miss Chyna, but she would be impossible to make too lol we just dont have those sliders. know now i wantto dig up old pics and make a Fabulous Moolah
oh and Mick Foley..of course how could i leave him out the greatest ever. lol
RVD would be cool too :)
ahh yeah these guys will be hard to model
let me reiterate if you just do one...Kane!!!! :) I suck at making sims frankly
im watching Smackdown right now lol Big Show's about to beat up Daniel Brian (hope) lol ;)
That's a lot! I'll make a list of them in my OP and see what I can do.
Love love love love RVD <3 And Lita was my favorite too n.n