5 years agoHero+
[CURRENT ISSUE 64-bit] Windows flash with snow on ground
When there is snow on the ground, windows become frosted over. While the effect is mostly as expected, the windows on rabbithole lots flash between their expected frosted and the transparent versions seen without snow. The change takes effect in either direction as soon as the lot is rendered after snow appears on or disappears from the ground.
- This happens with windows on most rabbithole lots in Sunset Valley
- Transparent doors and awnings, such as on the day spa, are also affected
- View distance and angle can affect the rate of flashing but doesn't eliminate it
- This happens on default ultra and medium settings
- Windows on the criminal warehouse and science center are unaffected
- Houses and open community lots are unaffected
This was tested in a new save in a clean user folder in Sunset Valley, no mods or custom content. I did however cheat mercilessly to change the seasons, weather, and snow level.
This video was taken outside the school.
Thanks to Bluebellflora for uploading this for me.