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LadyEmillye's avatar
15 years ago

How to Merge CC Files to Decrease Lag *UPDATED*

This is on LivingSims, but a couple people I talked to said they found it hard to understand. So this is a step by step guide to merge your files and decrease some of the lag the CC causes which should make the game run faster.

***WARNING - Do NOT merge skintones, default replacements or mods. Poses are iffy, so if you do, do it as a test first. These files can conflict with your game if merged. WARNING***

How to Merge CC files

For this guide I will be using this hair as an example:

Firstly, you will need:

1. The Framework Installer will no longer be updated and is no longer needed, but if you want to install it, for those who don't have all the EPs and SPs or updated with the most current patch, you can find it here: Delphy's Framework Installer and follow the instructions, I won't be going into detail with this step, as I no longer use it myself, since I am fully updated. You can skip this step and head straight to step 2 if you have any EPs from Ambitions onward.

2. Next, and this is optional: Download Delphy's Multi-Installer. This is used for converting sims3pack files into .package files. You can use it on the CC in your launcher, altho, the EA content should stay as is, as it is designed for the launcher. Please note that you must be registered with MTS to download the framework and multi-installer.

You can put these, and the rest of your CC into a new folder. Mark it TS3 CC, or something else that you will know what it is. I have mine on my desktop. Leave the CC as is for right now. We will come back to it.

3. Next, Download the S3PE file from here. The S3PE does get updated, so be sure to check often, although it will have a pop up come up when a new release comes out anyway.
Place the file where you will know where it is for easy access.

4. Once you have everything it is time to set up your TS3 CC folder and organize all of that CC. It is easier when you newly start out. But once it is set up, it is very easy. I will show you as an example on what to do, with that hair from Peggy I downloaded.

You will notice the change in icons with the s3pe program:

That is what you want. Cut and paste into your TS3 CC folder.

As you will notice, I only have 2 folders within my TS3 CC folder. I don't have a lot of CC, so it is easier to organize. I could get away with just one. But if you prefer, you can separate everything by category: Hair, Accessory, Skin, etc.

But for mine I will place it in with my mixed folder.

5. Now we can go into the s3pe program. After opening it up click on file and then New as seen below:

Next, right-click and choose: import>From Package as seen below:

Once you do that, this should pop up:

Click on one of your folders. I will choose my mixed. Select all of the CC in the folder that you choose. By clicking on one, going to the end, and hitting Shift+click. Then click Open. This should come up:

You will want to make sure Replace Duplicates is selected and check the box next to Compress. And then Import. It may take a few seconds depending on how much CC you have.

6. You will see a bunch of numbers and letters. That is normal. So now, all you need to do is save it in a place you can grab quickly, or in your TS3 CC folder. Just make sure to choose a different name than one of your folders. Like if you have a folder marked Hair, mark the file from S3PE as Hairs.

It will take a few moments. Depending on how much CC you have. When you see it come up with a file name. It is ready. You can either close it and do the next category, or cut and paste the file into your Package file under your Mods folder.

The CC will be merged coming out of the S3PE, and all of it should work.

If you want to make sure, you can download Delphy's Dashboard and check for corrupt CC prior to doing this. From what I have read, there is a small issue with LN. However, according to Delphy it's minor and the Dashboard will still do what it is meant to do. The important thing is having the global framework, set up by the framework installer.

And once you have all your CC merged and back in your Packages folder, be sure to keep your TS3 CC folder. That way updating it is quicker as you add or delete CC from there. Just simply run it through the S3PE again, save it, and cut and paste back in to your Packages folder to replace the old file.

If you use a lot of sims3pack files, be sure to get Custard to check for any corrupt CC. The Dashboard is only for .package files.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.


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