Never get past the main menu
So I'm SO close to just give up EA for life at this point, but I wanna try one final time.
Sorry for the long read and poor grammar, I'm Norwegian!
I installed the game, and everything worked out great until I actually launched.
Firstly, NONE of the worlds are loading. So I tried what the glorious people here told me to and made a copy of the game.
Tried to play it, and then the settings kept resetting, but I could at least open a world! So I tried to set settings again, and then the worlds wouldn't open - again.
I have tried the following;
- Match the graphics of the game with my laptop (found a youtube video that had me step by step and matched it perfectly, included nvidia, ram storage (plenty), Ran a DxDiag diagnostic matched the gpu...)
- Uninstalled and re-installed (and the steps as mentioned above)
- Clear the cache and repair any number of times (seriously, take your pick between 1 and 1000 times)
- Manually denied access to change for the system in files so only I could change settings, downloads, etc.
- Had a bunch of exchange items, uninstalled and re-installed without them
This laptop, up until yesterday, had no past connection with TS3 - none. It handles Sims 4 and Baldur's Gate with ease (only BG3 is installed but there's still plenty of space)
I have no mods or CC
So bottom line, I can play the game on settings based on crap, or I can enjoy the main menu in decent settings. Either way, I lose!
If I can't get any help here, I'm never playing sims again due to the magnitude of tech-problems, so I am BEGGING for help (and please use small words, I am not technical/IT-proficient)
@LadyBAlexa If you change the settings now, while at the Main Menu, then quit to desktop and reload the game, can you play, and do the settings stick?