Hi all! So sorry if i have put this in the wrong place or am not supposed to discuss cc.
I have gotten back into sims 3 cc recently. The sims3pack files work like a charm but the PACKAGE files never show up in game.
Does anyone know where i can get the basic mods framework folder or the sims3pack generate tool (which changes packages to sims3packs), without modthesims (i do not like that site)?
Thank you!
@ComixCat Have you deleted the five cache files in the Sims 3 folder? You need to delete them after adding any content to that folder, or removing any for that matter. For reference, these are the files:
- CASPartCache.package
- compositorCache.package
- scriptCache.package
- simCompositorCache.package
- socialCache.package
And when you say the files don't show up, have you specifically looked for them in-game? If not, please do so. Your .package files won't show in the launcher and may not be listed at the Main Menu either; the only test is whether they're available in CAS or Build/Buy.
If deleting the cache files doesn't help and the content is definitely not available in-game, please post a screenshot of the contents of the Packages folder, as in, I'd like to see the list of files inside.