@SimsVIP_Admin, gr1zzly: Thanks for the confirmation. That's awesome (long overdue) news
@Mishikins: As for the new features, I think we need to understand how the really work first before jumping to conclusions. As for the Age slider thing: Are they gone or just grey ?
Before reinstalling, have them try this: http://crinrict-help.blogspot.com/2011/06/tutorial-resetting-game-to-factory.html
@Pepperbutt: Yepp. Especially those. ALL mods need to be removed before starting the game but make sure you uninstall them properly: http://crinrict-help.blogspot.com/2011/06/faq-how-to-i-uninstall-modhack.html (you need to do this BEFORE patching)
@SimsVIP_Admin: As for the photography, I would do some more testing. Buy a new camera and try with that one as well. Buy different kinds of cameras and try those. Try hoods and vacations worlds and try different professions. Only way we can be sure it's fixed.
@heaven_sent_8_18: Thanks for that info. I will add that. Sounds like terrible news for all cc creators.
@MikanMyam: EA will not care about cc. We have to wait and see what the extent to that is. More info is sure to be available soon.