5 years ago
Sims 3 white lines
I’ve been playing sims 3 on my new laptop! It’s nvidia GeForce gtx 1650 but in the game, my furniture has white lines that flicker and those lines can be seen on clothes as well. I don’t know what to...
When I use the full screen, my screen would always flicker so the windowed mode helps with that. I’ll try to disable the Alienware command center but what should I do if that doesn’t fix my game problem?
@Bts152 Did you have a chance to test this? Please let me know how it goes, or how it went. There are plenty of other things to try, but it's easiest to go in order: the Alienware Command Center is throwing errors, so it should be disabled at least for now.
Hi! I’ve uninstalled it but the lines are still showing up on furniture and clothes :/
@Bts152 Please try playing in a clean boot, and test both fullscreen and windowed modes, just to see whether the issue is present in either one.
When you've rebooted, be sure to check the Task Manager's list of background tasks for any programs that might not have been disabled in a clean boot, for example more Dell software or an app like MSI Afterburner, and shut down anything you find. It's important that your laptop only be running critical services, like the graphics driver, not anything else that could interfere.
i did it before and the lines are still there- what else should i do?
@Bts152 Please disable Game Mode and Game Bar, both features of Windows 10. You can reach the settings for each feature by hitting Windows key-i and choosing Gaming.
If that doesn't help, please go into Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3, open the file labeled deviceconfig.log, copy the first 40 or so lines (stop where "Options" starts), and paste them here. This will show how the game is reading your hardware. The file lists your user and machine names about 25 lines down, but there's no other personal information.
Stupid question but did you mean paste them here on the site?
@Bts152 Yes, I meant paste the 40 or so lines of text into a reply here. You could also attach the entire file to a post; either way works for me.
=== Application info ===
Name: Sims3
Build: Release
=== Rating info ===
GPU: 5 GPU Memory: 4 CPU: 3 RAM: 4 CPU Speed: 2496 Threading: 3
Adjusted CPU: 2928 RAM: 7985 Adjusted RAM: 7473 Cores: 4
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows 8 6.2.9200
OS prod type: 0
OS major ver: 6
OS minor ver: 2
OS SP major ver: 0
OS SP minor ver: 0
OS is 64Bit: 1
CPU: GenuineIntel
Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz
Family: 6
Model: 5
Cores: 4
HT: 1
x64: 0
Memory: 7985MB
Free memory: 4167MB
User: emily
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 [Found: 0, Matched: 1]
Vendor: NVIDIA
Chipset: Vendor: 10de, Device: 1f99, Board: 09e11028, Chipset: 00a1
Driver: nvldumd.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71E3E-5CD9-11CF-CE67-EF291BC2D635
Driver version: 5206
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Texture memory: 2048MB
Vertex program: 3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Hardware TnL: 1
@Bts152 The game is using your Nvidia card, and rating it correctly (despite the fact that it's unrecognized), so that's not the issue. I understand that the screen filckers in fullscreen mode, but please try it and see whether you specifically get the same white lines or not. Even if fullscreen mode isn't a solution, it's still useful information.
Please also try playing in windowed mode at a resolution smaller than your screen, as in, something smaller along both dimensions than 1920x1080. Again, even if this isn't ideal, it's worth checking to see whether the lines are still there.
The reason I'm asking about fullscreen mode is that the flickering you've described can often be fixed by enabling vertical sync. While the v-sync option in the Nvidia Control Panel doesn't work anymore on laptops with dual cards, at least as far as I can tell, there is a tool that works for games that use DirectX 9, like Sims 3 does. Since it's a third-party download, I can't link it here, but if you're interested, let me know. Another player tested it a few weeks ago and reported that it worked well with Sims 3.
I’ve gave the full screen mode a try but it didn’t work. I’m really interested in the tool you mentioned! I would love to give that try please
@Bts152 The outside tool isn't necessarily going to fix the white lines; the point was that if the white lines were gone in fullscreen mode, the tool might help with the flickering. Still, if you want to try, there's no harm in doing so. The tool is called D3DOverrider and is built on RivaTuner Statistics Server, which is reliable and widely used.
Did windowed mode on a reduced resolution help? I'm just wondering whether that makes a difference, even if you don't want to play that way permanently.
I’m fine with using windowed mode- it’s just that I need to get rid of those white lines that shows up on basically everything like skin, clothes and furniture
@Bts152 I understand the issue you're having and that you want to get rid of it. My questions are these:
Please let me know the answer to each of these three questions, and we can go from there.
Yes there’s still white lines on full screen mode
the screen still flickers when I used the tool you mentioned
I still see the white lines on windowed mode
In all this, did you upgrade your driver via GeForce Experience?
Yes i have and it still not helped with my problem
@Bts152 Could you post a few screenshots of what you see? Hit Windows key-shift-S, drag your cursor over the section of screen you want to capture, and then open Paint and crtl-V to paste the image. (This only works in windowed mode.) Please also let me know whether the screenshots look like what you see or not; if not, you can take a picture with your cell phone camera and attach it too.
Hi, sorry to interfere but the ‘white lines’ on furniture & clothes that they are talking about is NOT screen tearing. I have the exact same problem they’re talking about and I don’t have screen tearing. You keep trying to get them to do things that fix screen tearing, like enabling vsync and all that but that is not their problem. I haven’t been able to find a fix for this problem anywhere and to be honest it’s so annoying in game. It’s little white lines that look like cracks on objects and sims, when you move the camera they flicker on the object or sim/clothes. It’s very noticeable and I saw once that someone said it was to do with the latest update & thats all they said. However, I have watched many youtubers playing the sims 3 who don’t seem to have this problem. I have a pretty good computer and can run all settings on high very well. However, no matter what setting I do it wont get rid of these white lines. It can’t be to do with edge smoothing because I’ve tried it with and without and nothing fixes it. I could attach a video or image of what the white lines and flickering look like if you want to see. It’s completely unrelated to screen tearing caused by fps.
I’ve literally just discovered that if you turn edge smoothing off in game it gets rid of those white lines but obviously makes the edges completely jagged and when you move the camera around the edges flicker and its not good looking at all so it’s not really a fix. I love having very smooth and crisp edges in my game.
Unfortunately, I have this issue as well on my desktop.
I actually returned the computer 2-3 times thinking it was faulty graphics card.
I have walked through tutorials and talked to nvidia and skytech and we can't find anything wrong.
We've literally uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them via safe mode.
We also tried different settings via the game.
And different settings through nvidia control panel.
I actually gave a tech guy remote control to my desktop and he fiddled around.And said
there is nothing that he can see actually wrong with my system.But is completely baffled.
Now that I see multiple have it, it makes me think its more of a windows 10/nvidia thing than my computer.
They're annoying for sure.
@graceymanors I was hoping the SweetFX utility (see post 43) might make a difference for the other player, since disabling edge smoothing fixes the issue for the other recent poster here. Does it do the same for you? I know that disabling it makes the game look bad in other ways, but I'm curious whether the lines disappear.
I'm still baffled by this problem too, especially since relatively few players are seeing it. I wish I had something more useful to offer.
I will try that when I get home from work.It is baffling because it seems like a problem that just recently started happening, or at least for me.
Are all these people desktop players? On my laptop, I don't have any of the issues I have on my desktop.But both the tech guy from the store I got this from, and the manufacturer
tech guy are baffled.Neither suspect a corrupted graphics card.They are blaming the game.
Edge smoothing gets rid of it for me as well.:o
@graceymanors The original poster of this thread has a laptop with an Nvidia 1650, and the second person to post has a desktop with a 1650 Super, so... maybe it's the 16-series architecture? The thing is, I'd expect more reports than these if all of the cards in that family were affected. So maybe it's something about a particular subset of cards, or their memory.
The first poster has a 1650 made by Dell, or I guess a third-party supplier of laptop parts that contracts with Dell, so that might be impossible to chase down. It looks like the second poster currently has this one:
They said their older GTX 9-series card had the same issue though.
I think you have this one, although correct me if I'm wrong:
I don't see anything in common between them that would explain why these cards are affected and others not, but that doesn't mean much. It would be interesting though to make lists of cards that do and don't produce this issue.
By the way, could you list a couple of base game objects where you see the white lines? It would be helpful as a reference for any future players with the same issue.
My old laptop that doesn't have this issue has a 1050 ti, so maybe its something to do with the card?
I see it on all sorts of things, even on some of the sim's clothing.Turning edge scrolling off fixes it, but the blurriness is worse than dealing with the lines.
Wanna know what's even weirder? it doesn't happen in every save, out of 5 of my saves only 3 of them show it, one of them being a new save.
Some items:
Bedtastic Bed
Beautiful Budoir Bed
It also seems to effect items with darker colored patterns(blues, reds)
Bedtastic bed - edge smoothing on - might have to click on the picture to see it.
Edge smoothing off
Edge smoothing low.
Another thing I noticed is, it doesn't happen right away, it starts appearing over the course of playing.And some saves don't have while others do.
@graceymanors That is quite strange, especially that it doesn't happen right away but shows up later. That suggests that the issue is not simply your graphics card or its driver but also something in-game, although I guess if you didn't introduce objects that showed the problem until later, that would account for the difference.
Another possible factor is the different lighting in various worlds, and perhaps another is the season. Have you noticed a pattern there, e.g. Sunset Valley saves are fine but ones in custom world X have the issue, or the problem shows up once the season changes to fall? I'm just trying to figure out if there's anything at all that might explain the difference.