What else can I safely delete? (Sims 3 cache - Windows 10)
When it comes to clearing out these files:
I know they are safe to delete.
I have also just discovered it's safe to delete the stuff accumulating in the "FeaturedItems" folder.
As for DCBackup...from what I have looked up and read it should be safe to delete all but the ccmerged.package file.
I have always found Carl's Sims 3 (or 4) page helpful, but in this case at the moment it's too much text to sort through and as for the DCBackup it mostly seems to be talking about CC?...though I am assuming when they say Premium content they mean Store content???
So...my question is:
Is it still safe to delete all (but the Ccmerged.packaged) even if you do not use Cc? I think the only store content I have is the Dragon Valley Gold edition items.
I am on Windows 10.