I think this thread and another thread ( https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/NEEDS-SAVES-Non-Goofball-Sims-Obsessively-Queue-Goof-Around/m-p/12049126#M235823 ) are likely caused by the same thing.
I don't think this is a saves issue. This is a tuning issue. What I'm about to say is rather technical, as I'm researching this to make a tuning mod for my game to stop this behavior. EA would find this more useful.
There are four interactions I think need looked at:
socials_Funny_AutonomousOnly_STC is driving the "Goof Around" action
socials_Romance_AutonomousOnly_STC is coming up as "Flirt"
socials_Mean_AutonomousOnly_STC does the "Insult" action
socials_Friendly_AutonomousOnly_STC shows up as "Ask What Happened"
Two of these actions seem to insert themselves into the action queue very, very frequently, and with not a lot of checks being done to ensure that the action is appropriate.
For instance, the autonomous usage test for "Goof Around", testSet_FunnySocialsAutonomous, only checks to make sure that the sim is NOT Embarassed, Sad, or Angry, rather than checking to see if the sim is Playful. For "Ask What Happened", testSet_FriendlySocialsAutonomous is only checking to see if the sim is NOT Angry and that the relationship score between the talkers is acceptable.
On the other hand, the test for "Insult", testSet_MeanSocialsAutonomous, is far more appropriately tuned, checking see if the sim is Angry, is talking to someone with a low relationship score, or a negative sentiment, etc, "Flirt" also has an appropriate test in testSet_RomanceSocialsAutonomous, checking for a Flirty mood, or a suggestive conversation, or a high romance score, etc. Probably why we don't see these actions in the queue that much compared to Ask What Happened and Goof Around.
"Goof Around" (socials_Funny_AutonomousOnly_STC) and "Ask What Happened" (socials_Friendly_AutonomousOnly_STC) need a better appropriateness check, but honestly all of these actions probably need some sort of cooldown.