I just made a new vampire,spend several hours to get her to my liking and when I got home,I thought to play a bit,get her a home etc.But after I made her home and then tried to meditate,it showed that yellow questionmark and so I send her outside,yes right into the sun to try it out.Then big surprise she got a new option under vampire about emotions.She never learned that and she can't even use it,yes big questionmark again and for dark meditation the same.I went to Forgotten Hollow and tried the same with "Graaf Vladislaus Straud de vierde"(sorry,I don't know his name in English,playing it in Dutch) and even he couldn't use it.When she was drinking from another sim,she didn't turn to her darkside look and when she stayed to long outside in the day,she turned into a woman with a beard and her clothes looked like something terrible had happen to it and her hair went black(she has red hair when she is in her darkside look).In all her other outfits she looks like she has to look.So only in her darkside form casual outfit shechanged that way.And one more thing I noticed,she was wearing a shoe in her summer outfit that doesn't excist,it was a shoe with 2 round things above eachother like a eight instead of a normal heel.I don't use any mods,only using the games,I got them all,except the last one from the Island.Now I am wondering after reading the comments,are they gonna fix it and if so,how long will this take? I don't mind to wait,but not forever,I love playing with my vampires <3