@EKPhotography wrote:
Got this problem in my house, around 14 sims days ago the guy died.
The grim reaper is just standing there and will not take away the died person.
I can not do anything right now because its all blocked due the fact that the death guy needs to be removed.
This is just for completing the Thread.
Just in case someone who isn't used to cheat in the Sims, you have to press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[C]
A console bar (top left) appears where you can type:
testingcheats true
once done a message appears that "cheats are enabled"
(to disable it, put false instead of true)
Now go through your household with [SPACE] and [SHIFT]+Click the dead Body.
When "Oject Reset (Debug)" appears click it, this should make the dead body disappear.
At least this worked for me. Props to Crin !! Thank you!
I think it went buggy because the son of my dying charakter was being borned/still a baby and so couldn't interact.
At least I hope your problem gets solved like that.
btw great game, still buggy(floating forks) but fun!