Forum Discussion
It's unfortunate that this is still not working. I just had two of my infants (who were reborn with the burning soul trait) age up to toddlers. Their communication, movement, and thinking skills were maxed but the milestones weren't unlocked. I can't use cheats to lower the skills to get the milestones that I missed upon aging them up. So, my two toddlers will be unable to get a good chunk of their milestones since I can't lower the skills and raise them up to unlock them...
- 5 months ago
Same issue.
I have just reinstalled the game after doing a factory reset of my PC and taking the decision to not use mods in any game from now on for security issues. Googled how to manually adjust skills in the game using the cheat code and discovered the cheat code doesn't raise of lower the skills I've tried to adjust. I have all the available packs except the kits.
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