Re: [FIXED] [PC] Stop and go Lags/freezes since Patch 1.88 (Pronouns)
BylineBelife schrieb:
No, I will not try. Nvidia keeps my drivers updated automagicly through their app and it tells me I have the latest GeForce driver. I don't do beta-drivers or third part drivers. I shouldn't have to just because EA releases a bogus patch.
The driver you are using for your 1050 is from 2020 and therefore really outdated especially seeing that you are using Windows 11.
@crinrict linked to the newest driver from NVIDIA in post #149, this driver is not Beta or third party, it is the newest stable release Game ready driver for a 1050 Mobile.
I don't know why GeForce Experience is not showing you a newer driver.
What versions number has the installed version of GFE?
I can't tell if ASUS has suspended the use of new drivers due to technical limitations of this particular laptop model, but I would recommend contacting ASUS support about this issue.
Even if this particular problem is patch-related, sooner or later you will run into problems with such an old driver, if you don't already have them.