♥ Forever Starts Somewhere ♥ (26/05) NEW CHAPTER a selection challenge
Heya lovely people if you get a chance head on over HERE and vote for you favourite girl...or you can copy this link into our browser! GO! GO! GO!!!!
~The Selection Challenge Gen 3 ~ Forever Starts Somewhere
Well without further ado welcome to the Selection Challenge for my 3rd Generation His Royal Highness and Heir to the Throne Nicholas Browning. You can check out the rules for the Selection Challenger HERE I'll be following the die-hard rules for this challenge :smiley:
~*~Introducing the Girls~*~
They have been separated into three houses show here by their rows. The Pink House, The Yellow House and the Blue House.
Enjoy! I LOOOOOVED working on this update! I hope that you enjoy it! This is pretty much the format of how I'm going to be uploading this story!!! :love:
~*~ Week 1.1 ~*~
I can't believe that I am finally ready to share the first chapter with you! Strap in guys...it is a wild one!!!
Instagram & Extras
Sunday, Day -1
Yellow House Yellow Manor, Morning
Since when have my games ever started off perfectly? I was so keen to get the Selection Challenge underway that I didn't pay attention to what day of the week it was and ended up moving the girls into their houses three days early. It worked out perfectly because I wasted the first two getting all of the promo shoots, elimination photoshoot, makeovers and headshots out of the way and it left me with one day to actually spend in one of the household ahead of the first round of parties kicking off.
Naturally I chosen the Yellow house because...well... three sims that I was rather attached to were in the house and I knew that I wouldn't have to guess at as many personalities.
Lorenna - Daughter of Ella from the 1st Cycle of the Selection Challenge - and Annabel - Niece of Ariana from the 1st Cycle of the Selection Challenge - were fast friends. Both appreciating the finer things in life. They were used to stories of the palace and they naturally drifted towards each other...
Macy - who for some reason came across as rather innocent and sweet natured...though to be honest she's more of an academic ended up distracting herself from the meet and greet going on around her but acquainting acquainted herself with one of the easels. It was kind of cool and she ended up painting this super moody rainy landscape before slotting in to Lorenna and Annabel's converstation. They don't really strike me as the perfect trio...but for now it worked.
That, and the remaining girls were busy with a good ol' game of cards and well...there wasn't any space for Macy at the table. Whoops!
So there you have it. It was kind of a chilled day in the Yellow household. No one's personality was too overpower and there aren't any hard feelings yet but I'll be interested to see how things develop as the girls start spending time with the prince and the competition actually begins. I'd be the worst person to compete against in one of these things. I don't share my things and well...I wouldn't happily be sharing someone like Nick with 20 other girls. :lol:
I guess it is a good thing that I am already married :lol:
P.S. this one didn't really fit in anywhere...but I kind of love Jolene's face here! :lol:
Monday, Day 1
Pink House Castle Gardens ~ First Impressions Party, Mid Morning
Prince Nicholas was just a little excited to get things underway...and very happily posed for a photo with the girls once they had arrived.
I like to think that the girls took a little time orienting themselves with the garden setting for the party and staring in awe at the castle...and to be fair the majority of them did...but I'm not here to talk about the majority. :wink:
Luella and Charlotte are not the kind of girls to pass up a great opportunity to monopolize the prince and the two girls practically pounced on the prince as soon as he was free.
Xandra - who I realised a little too late should be wearing her crazy tinfoil hat (because I'm not opposed to the crazy here #prism #1stcycle #selectionchallenge) but eh...it happens - was not too impressed with the prince. Despite a rather normal day and introductin (so far) Xandra is still convinced that the royal family are invaders from outer space here to overthrow the government and gain control of all of their military power or something equally crazy. Like maybe they are here to steal all of our water. She's still working on the story for her blog...
Regardless - he did actually catch up with all of the girls and there was a clear favourite towards the end of the day.
Party Overview Milestones: Nothing major to report...all of the girls are still acquaintances Party Medal: Silver Prince's Favourite Girl: Charlotte - by a long shot. I didn't even have to squint at the relationship bars. She's miles ahead. Extras: I really liked this party. I kind of wish that there had been a few more hours in the day...but nothing is ever perfect and even though there weren't any necessarily stand out moments...I enjoyed wrapping my head around the newer format of separating the girls between households and having smaller more intimate parties. My game runs 1000% better and I can actually pay attention to the girls.
Yellow House Castle Gardens ~ First Impressions Party, Mid Morning
Nicholas amazes me. I was a little tired at this point and wish I'd been patient enough to take a picture of Nicholas in the sun for this one...but you know...priorities. He was still excited and I got a photo of him before the party got underway so that is a win in my book...just saying. Oh right! For those who don't know...or haven't picked it up yet...there are 7 girls in each household.
Speaking of Seven girls in each household...shall we kick things off with the Promo shot (which I secretly shot at the end of the party)? :wink: Shhhh!!!!
Anyway, I like to think that this event was a little bit more laid back. Maybe it was because Nicholas had already gotten the first party out of the way...or because I'd already acquainted myself with the girls from the Yellow Household? But, either way I wasn't surprised to see Lorenna and Annabel monopolize the prince almost instantly. Come on...are you surprised? They are both super confident, gorgeous girls...
I had to say though...and don't take it the wrong way...none of the girls made a truly unique impression on the prince. And trust me, it was not for lack of trying.
So why did they struggle to make lasting impressions? Well, Nicholas was distracted from the moment the First Impressions party for the Yellow house started.
Does the brunette in the green dress at the back look familiar to you? Well she should (if you took the time to read the prequel - which hint hint you should go and check out if you haven't already -) because Nicholas could have sworn he was seeing a ghost. Figured out who she is yet?
Nope? Don't worry it took Nicholas a few moments of flat out staring to realise who she was as well. The mystery girl? She's Eva, Mel's twin sister.
Nicholas was great - bless him. He tried to do the polite thing and introduce himself to the other girls first...but as soon as he'd fulfilled the niceties he descended on Eva instantly. He couldn't stand the waiting and Eva had spent the majority of the morning drifting around the edges of his conversations but somehow always managed to slip away before he could find an appropriate way to bring her into his conversation.
Some of the other girls...even the shyer ones had a way of placing themselves in his path or slipping into his conversations that it was a really struggle to Eva's attention.
Eva was hesitant at first when Nicholas finally approached her and asked to borrow her for a moment. The girls weren't plum and a number of them had figured out that Nicholas and Eva had some sort of history. As polite and subtle as Nicholas had tried to be he was about as subtle as a sledge hammer and almost all of the girls had noticed the anxious glances he had spent the morning shooting Eva's way.
Nicholas didn't even care that a few of the girls had crossed their arms in frustration. He wasn't meant to be spending one on one time with any of the girls yet and Nicholas hadn't exactly been careful about having their conversation out of the other girls eye sight...
Originally a few of the girls had pegged Eva as his high school girlfriend but as soon as they saw the way his cool façade slipped as he started speaking they realised she wasn't some long lost love.
In fact she kind of seemed a little standoffish...
...and a few of the girls were shocked to see Eva give - what it looked like anyway - the Prince a piece of her mind.
The other girls couldn't see Nicholas' reaction but they could tell that he was tense...
...and after Eva had all but stormed back into the party the girls noticed the slump in his shoulders and the almost dark shadow that descended over the prince while he took a moment to himself before shaking it off and returning with his usual cool and happy demeanour.
Promo Details...
Wednesday, Day 3 || 9:00 a.m. First Impressions Party ~ Blue House
I am just a little in love with the set up for the Blue House First Impressions Party...
Isn't it beyond beautiful? I could die happy here :blush:
The girls were pretty impressed with it from what I could gather and made themselves at home in no time.
Minerva spent most of her time casting side long glances at the prince...
She was one of the last girls to say hello to the prince...
...and she only approached him after I literally kicked her plum into gear and directed her over to his table. :frowning: Talk about reluctant...
The girls have a photography fetish I swear...they are always rolling wants to take pictures, selfies or pictures with or of other sims. Crazy stuff!
Well that is offically a wrap on the first edition/update of the Selection Challenge so without further ado check out the weekly round up! Normally I'd include a sneak peek into one of the main events from the next update...but - I haven't gotten that far game play wise! So eep!
Off to a great start! I loved this chapter, the makeovers for Luella and Yesenia were great and I love finally seeing them all at the palace looking all dainty haha. The screenshots were super lovely as well!! <3
Xandra wans't too impressed with the prince... (she's still convinced that the royal family are invaders from outer space here to overthrown the government and gain control off all of their military power).
It all makes sense now, how didn't I see this before?
It took him a good few moments of flat out staring to realised that the brunette was his ex-girlfriend's twin.
Eva! Why are you here? I mean, I know why, but why? You have a thing for Nickolas now? I'm already liking their drama, but now I feel weird shipping Nick and his ex's sister. Help me. And Zoey - with her #moveon, come on, it hasn't been that long.
The blue house is my favourite. Lori is gorgeous, Nick best be careful, because that's a pretty attractive web she has. And Minerva is adorable, you had to force her to go and say hello. :D She has to be my favourite, bar Xandra (Because soccer mom is inescapable).
It begins! There are so many girls to remember, I had to sit there with the name chart on one side of the screen and the chapter on the other. And drama already? This is going to be fun.
Also Xandra's makeover looks great, who knew yellow was her colour?
Xandra wans't too impressed with the prince... (she's still convinced that the royal family are invaders from outer space here to overthrown the government and gain control off all of their military power).
It all makes sense now, how didn't I see this before?
It took him a good few moments of flat out staring to realised that the brunette was his ex-girlfriend's twin.
Eva! Why are you here? I mean, I know why, but why? You have a thing for Nickolas now? I'm already liking their drama, but now I feel weird shipping Nick and his ex's sister. Help me. And Zoey - with her #moveon, come on, it hasn't been that long.
The blue house is my favourite. Lori is gorgeous, Nick best be careful, because that's a pretty attractive web she has. And Minerva is adorable, you had to force her to go and say hello. :D She has to be my favourite, bar Xandra (Because soccer mom is inescapable).
It begins! There are so many girls to remember, I had to sit there with the name chart on one side of the screen and the chapter on the other. And drama already? This is going to be fun.
Also Xandra's makeover looks great, who knew yellow was her colour?
Well... it has been 3 years wasn't it? I think it is a good time to have moved on...But everyone has their own pace I think. :D.
The blue house is my favourite too!
I like your new banner @Kamio who is that next to Annabel and Lorenna? Someone new? 8O Or is it Elanova?
@MINEZ - Haha I know! Minerva was hilarious. All of the other girls were all over Nicholas like a rash...or atleast willing to have a converstatin with him :lol:
@Damaro - Haha yeah! It's a little hectic with 21 girls. I'm looking forward to the crowd thinning out a little. Lol! I'm a little overwhelmed myself!!! And yeah...that's Elanova. :smiley: I don't know if I have a favourite household yet...but I'm keen to flesh out some house dramas :wink:
And yeah...the girls have just been given one point each so they show up on the chart. They get extra points when/if Nicholas rolls a want for them...or they round out the party as his favourite. So far Giselle, Eva and Anora are the only girls he's rolled wants for. Charlotte, Emilia and Yesenia were the house favourites from each party and so nabbed 1 point each.
@dreamprisoner - OMG! Your commentry had me in stitches. I don't know if Eva has a thing for him...she's kind of a devil may care do whatever coz eh, how bad can it be kind of person. In my mind she thinks he was great to her sister and kind of respects the way he was towards her sister. She's had a few not so nice guys in her life. But secretly she's mainly here because she is an aspiring writer...and write what you know. What better way to get some great material for some drama :wink:
@Irishsong - Maeve was actually really great in the First Impression party. She hung around the prince like no tomorrow but she wasn't pushy...she just kept winding up in his converstation with other girls :lol:
@Sonschi - Naw! Thank you so much! I loved putting it together. I read through it last night and omg I have so many minor spelling/gramatical errors. Being tired will do that to you! Haha!
And yeah duh! I just realised that I never upload my super dramatic breakup photos between Nick and Mel for my prequel! I'm going to add them in...but I am a sucker for drama and wanted to share them with you guys now...coz I can :wink:
Actually last minute I decided to include a few of the extras on top of my original plan...
Here are Skye and Julius showing up on Cadence's door step ready to reveal the truth about Nicholas identity and some "happy" snaps from that moment...
I seriously love Cadence and her hubby. He is so amazing to her. Originally I hadn't planned for Cadence to re-marry - or even end up in a relationship...but my sims always have minds of their own and that is what makes this journey so exciting for me...more often than not my sims end up telling me their own stories.
After finding out the truth about who he was, Nickolas called Mel almost immediately. She'd been his first concern. They were meant to go away to colleague together and knowing about the Selection Challenge as the royal families way of choosing a partner his first question to Skye and Julius had been if Mel could come with him to the palace as his chosen partner. He wasn't going to sign his life away to the royal family if it meant saying goodbye to Mel for the privileage. Obviously we know now...that she turned him down anyway... but... how heartbreaking to think that he'd fought for them and she turned him away.
Mel didn't want to believe him at first... Nicholas hadn't been expecting an excited reaction...
...but he hadn't expected her to almost instantly deny him...
...or turn away from him with tears in her eyes and tell him that she just couldn't do it..
...she just kept telling him how sorry she was. Nicholas fought hard not to break down...what had happened together through anything?
Together forever? He was completely shattered...broken...destroyed. She'd taken his heart and ripped it in two.
@dreamprisoner - It's an invasion of lamas! They are lama people in human skins!!! Be warned!!!!!! And yeah lol! I wondered if anyone would notice that little guy in the background #photobomb!
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